Link> New Amazing ‘Mini-Theraphi’ Piezoelectric Implosion/ Shungite Lens-Localized Negentropy


Patrick Botte and Dan Winter : Breakthru’s in Biofeedback and Implosion Harmonic Devices- Announcing>> ,
New releases (Now IOS AND Mac) and

PiezoPhire is the most powerful phase conjugate implosive device we have made,
anecdotal reports are dramatic- rapid pain reduction , healing , circulation gains.

It is a way of focusing a centripetal implosive capacitive field – like a lens.

The core concept involves – using a specialized piezoelectric radiant resonator / ‘piezo speaker’
mated with a super dielectric disk of shungite to implode and lens effect the charge field.

Then a pair of these precise implosive piezo resonators- are fed- precise ‘implosion sound’

phase conjugate to planck tuned harmonic cascades- at 180 degree conjugate phase shift –

fed by our world leading bliss binaural sound app- or Flameinsound app.
( You can use special audio files to feed the device from Patrick -no IOS required
– or Flameinsound app – with – IOS / ipad/ iphone)
This is based on Dan’s equation. This infrasound implosion cascade also successfully drives , , , and

Sound drivers: you only need the flameinmind app ( ) if you want to also measure brainwaves, the cheaper (around 30-40 ) flameinsound app works fine.. – to drive , also patrick will send you audio files after purchase which require no app ( but more choices available in flameinsound ). The part of the apps which drive the hardware are released only to those who buy the hardware thru us. see the film – above here.

Physics review of this implosive negentropic principle:

This creates the implosive ‘pine cone pair’ conjugator effect WHICH RESTORES ELECTRICAL COMPRESSION
(which is the electrical opposite of pain, for example).

Demonstrating the Negentropic principle of ‘restored centripetal force’:

Tip of the Hat- to our good friend DanMac – just got his new Piezophire-
reported at our Mar 3- premeeting..
– DanMac said he indeed found the ‘sweet spot’ between the 2 Piezo Discs..
placed them across a pain issue- in his foot – he had for some time – reported great results – the pain was gone..

‘where the pine cones kiss noses’..

Remember the ‘centripetal’ conjugate implosion is best directly in the center Piezo zone between the discs..


In our original product development we had similar success with hernia pain..
Localized issues appear to respond well…

Electrically- it is even intuitively obvious- symmetric compression is simply ‘the opposite of pain’..

There is a deep meaning here…
Pain – we suggest is where charge is bleeding due to broken fractality…
