from Dan Winter - Science of Operation Page

Return to Dan Winter's Index Options below
350 Dan Winter lectures,
3 million views
, 50k subscribers


New: Healing / Empowering:

Plasma Rejuvenation:


Online Free Fractal University

Dan Winter blog :Perfect Fractal Charge Collapse:
CAUSE of Gravity, Consciousness, Life Force, Negentropy.....
Animated by Equation above - in 3D (The Grail)
Dan's newest book (5 at link) - The Physics PRINCIPLE
behind ALL Dan Winter projects / links here.
Brainwave Biofeedback
Physics of Bliss

Dan Winter original index new!

Note! Theraphi systems NOT purchased directly from the inventor Dan Winter contain drive software stolen from Dan Winter and are subject to legal action.

Welcome to TheraPhi.Net

Phi* Therapy with Thera-Phi

This is the -(< main index) - science background support web site (
Return here to the Main index- or our many other international Theraphi centers-20+ countries:
Dr. Gerald excellent recent articles series on Theraphi in clinical use - measuring swelling remediation and more:
As of - Feb 2022- : Successful Theraphi systems are now in 20+ Countries-

HOW Dan Winter invented Theraphi- he began studying Antoine Priore - over 20 years ago. The Dan discovered the PRINCIPLE behind Priore- which is Phase Conjugation /Negentropy.
Then Dan discovered the key equation for Negentropy : Planck times integer exponents of Golden Ratio. Then Dan developed the software that provided the key - phase conjugate infrasound.
Then Dan developed the key concept to modulate that infrasound on the RF drive frequency. Then Dan developed the concept needed to phase conjugate 2 opposing plasma tubes-
180 degrees out of phase ( Priore did not know). Then after Dan developed all the key negentropic concepts- and provided all the core ideas- and the complex wave frequency software-
AND provided funding for the test build, then Paul Harris- helped locate an amp to use and locate a builder for the plasma tubes.

Theraphi - main help / support / instructions site,- Theraphi Manual , - Theraphi Protocol,
Theraphi Blog (extensive user reports- )

Theraphi development from the original ANTOINE PRIORE plasma healing so well documented decades ago in France- see the lower part here.

2017: Especially recommended- our International Theraphi CONFERENCE 2017 Instructional Presentation- FILMS:

NEW 2018> FILMS ARE UP!> our THERAPHI and BREAKTHRU - Tech - conferences EU/ S.France May/June 2018>

THERAPHI - conference EU/ S.France 2018>

As our friend kindly wrote about Theraphi: "This is an innovative device that generates a bio-active plasma field. It generates broad-spectrum centripetal longitudinal waves that stimulate cellular regeneration,
restore biological coherence and allow the body to activate its self-healing capacity."

to which Dan Winter suggested a clarification :" It is not necessarily  the coherent longitudinal charge propagation (tuned to Planck) which is broad spectral, it  is rather  the broad spectra phase conjugate (transverse emf) frequency harmonic  series- (why it is sometimes incorrectly called 'scalar'/torsional), which PRODUCES  implosive  compression  enabling coherent longitudinal / compressional emf.

It is  the longitudinal compression  - WHEN in symmetry (opposing symmetric wave fronts- called conjugate) which makes biological fields centripetal enough to add negentropy."

Update Jan 2022- note here - as many ask about the 'scalar' (longitudinal) physics in parallel behind devices like Bill Nelson SCIO / & SCENAR-
you may appreciate the spectrum analysis we did on those -see - which strongly evidence the PRINCIPLE is also phase conjugation--
which when perfected requires precisely the harmonics predicted by Dan Winter's NEGENTROPY equation
- as implemented expicitly in Theraphi (see below).

Most recent Theraphi reports:

Particularly the 2 new Theraphi films there with Dr Cornelius Van Dorp

Note : we much appreciate your kind and rather global outpouring of interest.
we are also underway with serious scientific/clinical documentation.

Theraphi team - contact : info (at)


Related news: New Research Science - points in our direction : use of cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) for the treatment of tumours is a new field in plasma medicine

Original Dan Winter- detailed article and interview: Mechanism of NEGENTROPY and Phase Conjugation in COLD PLASMA:

Plasma for Cancer Treatment : Plasma medicine is a relatively new field that grew from research in application of low-temperature (or cold) atmospheric plasmas in bioengineering. One of the most promising applications of cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) is cancer therapy. Convincing evidence of CAP selectivity towards the cancer cells has been accumulated. This review summarizes the state of the art of this emerging field

Return to Dan Winter's - Original Index Options
350 lectures, 3 million views
Dan Winter's New Book:
-Negentropy & Charge Collapse Physics of THERAPHI

Phase Conjugate Fractality: The NEGENTROPY Principle behind THERAPHI ... AND - HOW Gravity is CAUSED

PlanckPhire: Perfected Fractal Implosive Charge Collapse-Cause of Gravity & Consciousness ( film below)

..It's SOOO convenient- learn the simple electrical reason ^ objects fall to the ground..
THEN you can quickly understand the electrical cause of consciousness!

(above) PlanckPhire: Planck x Phi ^ Integer N

exactly hydrogen radii .. and.. and.. and..-> PROOF this is exactly the phase conjugate CAUSE of photosynthesis:

Golden Ratio / Conjugation / Fractality CAUSE Both Gravity and Mass- because only they permit charge to be efficiently ( and in the case of gravity- IMPLOSIVELY) ..COMPRESSED!

Dan Winter's new 2023 book is OUT!

Dan Winter 's / / (tech) updates - Aug. 2020 - To our partners- appreciate your interest
- Notes/film re infections vs plasma: , See also Physics of Ensoulment/Aura Plasma-escape from 'machine culture'
- Teaching kids to see without their eyes /w EEG .. ‘inner vortex’
- Newest amazing theraphi plasma report
- Alchemy /Dee/Kelley/Shakespeare film project new review:
- Newest lecture- international breakthru energy conference
- I
nternational conferences- films / updates , ,
- Major upgrades- our worlds most powerful brainwave / meditation / bliss biofeedback: - Bliss Binaurals:
- Our new Real Heart Coherence/ Empathy trained 2ch EKG app! - All our apps:
- Our- plasma rejuvenation project- (proof of conjugate physics of negentropy
about 20 centers listed there in USA, now a commercial success in about 20 countries. New
- Our water implosion tech , in use worldwide. New- Commercial Scale:
- Our Fractal University- Global Education outreach has reached millions
- Our tech is updated at
- Star mother kit perfect 3D fractal (complete video and instructions
- Dan's latest book- pdf: Physics of Negentropy
-- Skywalker spiritual science for kids project!
- Dan Winter -YouTube Channel:
- Blog- Fractal Field / Implosion Group main blog site:
Contact: info (at)

2017: Physics of negentropy- in the Theraphi- update:
Note EACH of the entire broad spectral range of phase conjugate harmonics precisely driving the negentropic Theraphi- from ELF/Schumann - all the way to mhz range- precisely fits Dan Winter's original equation:

Note - EACH of the data points here- all LIFE giving negentropic cycles are EXACT INTEGER Golden Ratio - PHASE CONJUGATION- exponents of Planck length and time!

HOW Theraphi embodies the (conjugate ) DEFINITION of SACRED dimension (emBED-ability) :


Here is the new extended THERAPHI PRESENTATION SLIDESHOW- viewer: TheraPhislideshow ( nevigation thumbnails appear on left of slides..

Note the link below is 2018 Slideshow- ( nevigation thumbnails appear on left of slides..

Enter here Dan Winter- Implosion Charge Collapse- 2018 SlideShow


Update- Nov 7, 2016: Remote Healing with Theraphi and Conjugate Plasma:
Encouraging Reports- and Real Suggestions to Optimize the Physics


Theraphi- Conference
- Paul Harris & Dan Winter International 2 hr. conference film Oct 9.2016

Youtube version (no chat window): - /Dan Winter channel:
Download THERAPHI Conference Graphic Presentation Image Sets - 1. Pauls- Presentation Image set: AETheraphiFractalU.pdf
2. Dan's Presentation- PDF: TheraPhiPresentation.pdf

Oct 9 - 2PM EST - THERAPHI- plasma healing and rejuvenation field science- with Theraphi co-creators Paul Harris and Dan Winter. We discuss the global impact and amazing early success of their PRIORE based plasma healing system ( , , , ). We include practical discussion about applying phase conjugate plasma science to real healing situations- questions and discussion. We also invite several key Theraphi center leaders and practitioners from around the world- should be a most stimulating session. Centers:

Update Oct 2016: Successful Theraphi systems are now in 12+ Countries-


France: - (preliminary)
Theraphi - Perpignan- French group blog:

Paris : July 2016

UK: London : July 2016

Spain : Barcelona - Aug 2016

NY and PA - USA- new!

Canada: Calgary - March 2016
Canada Theraphi project leader-
(Vancouver/Calgary area)- Paul: quantumjmpr(at)

Update: Vancouver - Theraphi scheduled July/Aug 2016

Australia (N.of Sydney): April 2016 -

Prague Conference with Theraphi demo- hosted by Roger Green & Paul from Theraphi team: June 3-12, 2016

Bosnia Pyramids: June 2016 -

S.Africa: Johannesburg Weleda Center - coming soon


Note: if you need help being introduced to our Theraphi centers (including Calgary)- email a short letter introducing yourself etc.
to info (at) -and we will do our best to be sure you get connected to the center nearest you.
- Reminder the Theraphi system is basically a very sophisticated Sunlamp array - which seems to have frequent amazing side effect benefits. It is experimental only. Like a sunlamp- increased circulation and stimulation are common- and overexposure is not helpful. And like a sunlamp - you don't touch the tubes or the wires. While we have had very numerous anecdotal reports of healing
- while we set up more formal reporting
- to be clear for now- we cannot make medical claims.

*Phi: Golden Ratio / Phase Conjugate / Negentropic Charge Collapse :
Dan Winter's new book- The equation for the frequency signature 'Origin of Biologic Negentropy'
is the physics principle used for the THERAPHI- it is the reason for the book title and the frequencies used are on the cover.
Our best new film on the electrical science of bioactive fields (top at):

Theraphi is a powerful double conjugate plasma light/ infrasound bioactive field. The actual plasma tube arrangement used for this 'time reverse/rejuvenation' conjugation is depicted with remarkable accuracy in the Egyptian stone carving (below). It is phase conjugate, centripetal , negentropic. This kind of strong charge field is by definition simply the electrical opposite of swelling, cyst and tumor growth. It IS this charge distribution efficiency perfected by definition- which is the electrical opposite of cancer. Theraphi - usually generates strong feelings of being energized, metabolic acceleration, circulation and sensation increase. It is obvious that charge circulation optimized clearly facilitates blood and nerve circulation optimized. In disease cases of many types- there are many early reports of very significant benefit. These are being replicated now by medical professionals. Not just anti-swelling etc- it is also known for increasing circulation and sensation in areas where these have been limited or lost. With proven frequency emissions known and measured- it like using a high voltage version of a sun lamp - to stimulate. However- since it accelerates metabolism and heart rate- and brings sacral cranial spine liquid pumping to still point (turning point for healing in many cases), etc. we recommend modest 3 minute sessions. (The experience generally means you will NOT be sleepy for quite a while). In a large number of cases there is also a feeling of bliss/ euphoria introduced.

The Priore device was essentially a high voltage - high frequency light bulb
widely proven at that time to treat cancer (extensive documentation below)
- the issue was the pure principle was not understood. Until....
Thanks to Dan Winter's new equation on his book cover: "Origins of Biologic Negentropy"
- now the Priore device -(originally shown at that time to be a
well proven cancer and disease solution) --
is now again in a promising testing phase as the Theraphi!

The frequency signature Priore used is substantially predicted on the Dan Winter's new book cover- which is how Theraphi team optimized the new prototype. They used Dan Winter's discovery of the previously unknown pure principle- which is that perfected broad spectral phase conjugation becomes negentropic and regenerative. This was proven in optics. Theraphi takes this principle even more broad spectral and thus more powerful than ever before.

Note- Theraphi- while having promising preliminary results- cannot and does not claim to diagnose or treat any disease
- and awaits appropriate clinical trials-
we always recommend all treatments be done in consult with professional medical people
- which is why we have set up these trials- with professionals.
See Disclaimer Below..

Theraphi team, and prototypes, and labs are located in 7+ countries..- One of their partners is Implosion Group:

Latest 2016 Breakthru Science and Announcements from Dan Winter, Implosion Group - US ph: 800 395 1701
Dan's recent Intro to the physics of negentropy: & Intro to the BIOphysics of negentropy:

StateOfTheArt- Fractal Science Online Education

Rejuvenation Plasma Healing Conjugate Field/ (Priore):
Worlds Most Powerful & Most Proven Growth Water Treatment:

Preview:Most Powerful & Exciting IOS Heart BiofeedbackAppEVER!

All Our BIOACTIVE Field Projects
Origin Implosion Group
Dan Winter - Index
Implosion Group Main Film Library (original FractalU courses
Implosion Group recent FractalU courses
Dan Winter -YouTube Channel:
Fractal Field / Implosion Group main blog site:
Dan Winter's New Book: Fractal SpaceTime: Origin Negentropy
DVD Complete Set Updated:
Star Mother Kit:

If a someone is to help you understand FRACTAL FIELDS- centripetal life force and biologic rejuvenation ( commercial proof it works: you will definitely need a scientist who knows why an object falls to the ground (thus excluding Einstein and Stephen Hawkins). Gravity is a centripetal electrical force. Golden ratio perfected fractality/recursion/embedding called phase conjugation- is proven to be negentropic/ self-organizing - 'self aware'. This LIFE PRINCIPLE allows charge waves to add and multiply (heterodyne) recursively constructively not just their wave lengths- but also their phase VELOCITY. This converts a part of the charge COMPRESSION toward center into charge ACCELERATION toward center - named THE GRAVITY - and the ORIGIN OF ALL BIOLOGIC NEGENTROPY (book). The new equations: Dan Winter
Einstein:the solution to infinite non-destructive (charge)compression IS the unified field. ..So- if perfect compression is the solution to virtually every science problem in history: gravity, alchemy, fusion, urban design, computers.. the physics of human (peak)perception/bliss.. the list goes on - THEN what does it mean that we have just proven the wave mechanics showing that golden ratio IS the solution to perfect (charge) compression?
Fractal Space Time: Origin of Negentropy - by Daniel Winter-
212p. Edition 2, Dec 2015- Scientific Abstract: Originally Dan Winter's team ( , ) wave equations proved golden ratio wave mechanics optimizes constructive wave interference, compression and therefore phase conjugation ( ). Then Dan Winter discovered that integer exponents of golden ratio phase conjugation ( perfect fractality )- times planck length and time (musical 'key signature' of matter) - dramatically predicted: 1. Hydrogen Radii ( ) , 2. Exact frequencies of photosynthesis ( ) , 3. Exact duration of the Earth year and venus year ( ) , 4. Virtually exact frequencies of the SCHUMANN HARMONICS and (peak perception) BRAINWAVE HARMONICS ( ) , 5. Exact frequencies of ADP (/ATP), 6. Exact frequencies of MAYER WAVE of Blood Pressure/ HRV LF and HF , and Spine liquid pump. Dan Winter calls this phenomenon: Perfected PHASE CONJUGATE NEGENTROPIC CHARGE COLLAPSE - and thus presents evidence this perfected 3D wave fractality- is the electrical CAUSE of LIFE FORCE/Rejuvenation and a) Negentropy, b) Gravity, c) Perception, d) Color and e) All Centripetal (Implosive) Forces. Winter's original successful water implosion for growth - invention - used his Hydrogen geometry equations- ( for hydrolysis : ) and more recently - Dan Winter built exactly these frequencies into Perfected Negentropy Rejuvenation Plasma System ( aka Priore )- in - which is now rapidly proving his negentropy for biology hypothesis.


Example of phase conjugate charge implosive negentropy/ rejuvenation in the (capacitive field) scaling of ancient sites:

Note the Golden Ratio exponents of Planck tuning- above- which defines the THERAPHI design.

discussion: and

The Implosion Group new

TheraPhi - Plasma Healing Field Technology -

is a powerful centripetal broad spectra phase conjugate field (both plasma/optical and ELF)

based on the famous PRIORE device- the net effect was a highly stimulating and healing and rejuvenating to most cellular life.

Our TheraPhi Plasma Healing light field device- is inspired by the origin Priore device (see below) from France.

However- our hardware and implementation is entirely new and updated. The primary difference is our group, Implosion Group
has discovered the PRINCIPLE of how the Priore device worked (unknown at the time).

That principle - is broad spectral phase conjugation- the "Origin of Biologic Negentropy"-
the entire physics which is Dan Winter's new book by that title (more below).
This new Implosion Physics specifically predicts precisely all the frequencies and phase relationships used in the TheraPhi.


Update April 2018: > Here below see WHY The Theraphi can maintain the famous (rejuvenating / negentropic ) COLD PLASMA - ( 'intelligent' cloud of charge) - Without HEAT-
IT IS BECAUSE Dan Winter's Frequency Equation for Phase Conjugation ( ) is IMPLOSIVE / CENTRIPETAL>:

Compare to Study: Favourable and Unfavourable EMF Frequency Patterns in Cancer:

also- Successful Pain Reduction Study correlates directly to Theraphi PHASE CONJUGATE MAGNETICS-  Elizabeth Rauscher’s successful FDA study using magnetic harmonics to reduce or eliminate pain- when analyzed correlates beautifully to THERAPHI  frequencies- from- Dan Winter’s discovery of phase conjugate magnetics by equation ( ) Note not only are these the modulation harmonics in the Theraphi PLASMA- but also exactly these (conjugate/negentropic) low frequency magnetics radiate powerfully from the Theraphi bi-filar Tesla Coil unit. - see graph


Dan Winter- used precisely his new discovery of the fractal/ conjugate - frequency signature of HYDROGEN(below)
- to create the Theraphi ( with much practical expertise from Paul):

More on the physics- see Dan's new book ( below) - and


Theraphi Group Contact:

Email for info - if you would like to visit one of our Theraphi demonstration sites / healing centers:



- S.France- Perpignan

Available late Jan.:

- Georgia, USA

Available late Feb:

- Australia, NSW

- Canada, Calgary

Available March>

- New York USA, Manhatten

- Barcelona, Spain

Available April:


Available June:

Bosnian Pyramids



New Jan 24, 2016: Advanced Bioactive Plasma physics-Course Film 150min : Theraphi and beyond. with Dan Winter, Jan 24,2016- class:
Outline: Plasma definition, Plasma Universe, Plasma as a media for phase conjugation, Conjugate Plasma as mechanism for gravity AND Universal faster than light charge/ info COMMUNICATION. - WHY Theraphi (conjugate implosive living plasma( is clearly testing as a device for delivering trapped ghosts and entities.
HOW Theraphi has been used to remove astral implants/ as well as trigger claivoyant aura vision and facilitate aura diagnosis.
WHY Theraphi is best when human attention specifically steers (directs the low pressure point) the plasma tornado.
Understanding Theraphi's now proven ability to powerfully energize water.
More on Theraphi's yet unproven but huge potential to trigger seed germination / growth.
WHY phase conjugates are by definition - stem cell switching - basics of de-dedifferentiation electrically (stem cell rooting) - is by definition the origin point of a FRACTAL FIELD. Kozyrev called this Torsional- a real telepathy mechanism - Bearden called it scalar- yet the only real precise wave mechanical language is phase conjugate production of super luminal longitudinal EMF. Then more advanced- WHY phase conjugate pump waves- solve matter / energy access- WHY that pump wave is the reason hydrogen bombs create more energy than their conventional equations allow. HOW plasmas like Theraphi and Vimana use conjugate tech to access vacuum energy.
HOW phase conjugate pump waves ARE zero point energy access.From Tesla at Colorado Springs- learning that energy transmission without wires- is BECAUSE Schumann harmonics ARE a conjugate pump wave- to Keshe and phase conjugation as the solution to over unity parametric amplification ( ) . How the radio of the vacuum - IS a conjugator- and WHY atomic implosions critical mass- is always - affected by time with respect to planetary alignments (Cathie). The real physics of astrology IS charge distribution optimized in a (conjugate ) fractal field.

Note: The Youtube version above cropped the chat field window which contained links and comments
- the original wider field film version with the chat window (from LearnItLive)- may be viewed HERE.

New Nov 22, 2015: Play the film 245 minutes- Plasma Rejuvenation Science from Tesla to Lakhovsky to Priore to THERAPHI- course/conference from

New Nov 20, 2015: Download the new color presentation 21 page PDF- TherPhi.pdf
also the outline for the Plasma Healing Science Course:

Dec 2015: link to preliminary Theraphi Protocol instruction document

New- Oct 28, 2015- Download the new TheraPhi- Operation Information MANUAL PDF



New Belgium Conference on Theraphi- Film and Photo Series thanks to Roger Green

Film 1: Oct 23, 2015- Belgium: Theraphi- Paul's intro to the (Priore/Lakhovsky/Rife) Healing Plasma tech - see


Film 2: Dan Winter- Intro to (Priore) Implosion Science of Centripetal Conjugate Healing Plasma -


Film 3: Theraphi Team Paul and Dan Winter:Technological Development of Conjugate Plasma Rejuvenation-


During the trials in Belgium- above- our client was clear- significant restoration of feeling in his hand (which had been numb)- similar results for foot treatment- many other positive results - including one- who was barely able to walk- with foot injuries - and a metal implant in his foot- who regained major use of his foor- and walkability- within minutes.
Note these and many similar reports are most encouraaging - but anecdotal- we await more diligent recordings of clinical results from professionals.

In the film- Paul describes how Priore took much of his inspiration from LAKHOVSKY- for the powerful frequency recipe which later emerged in Dan Winter's equation for the Theraphi- frequency recipe.-

Note (picture here) here- how Lakhovsky- had 'tripped over' golden ratio in his charge spark gaps- and harmonics- (frequencies he got from Tesla and Rife) -unaware how key this was to his charge field device:

Lakhovsky evidently did not understand:

- how to scale his golden ratio phase conjugation precisely to Planck (length/time)

-how golden ratio creates phase conjugation

-how phase conjugation requires opposing golden ratio pairs FROM OPPOSITE SIDES - to accurately conjugate

-how to make the phase conjugation broad spectral - and thus much more powerful - by cascading this all the way to optical / and conjugate noble gasses.

The Theraphi takes the Lakhovsky principle- which is related to golden ratio phase conjugation in charge waves, and makes it much more broad spectral- using plasma- and thus orders of magnitude more effective.

Note- a signiicant number of health professionals- using Lakhovsy device professionally- in Europe- attended our launch events with Theraphi- to try it. Their reports- were very consistent- they said - the Theraphi field was in many ways like the Lakhovsy field- BUT MUCH MORE POWERFUL- AND MUCH MUCH FASTER IN EFFECT.


The TheraPhi can be about as simple and safe to use as a sunlamp (care must be taken for high voltage of course). Just like a sunlamp- benefit often occurs simply from localized stimulation, and restored circulation- it's just that Theraphi is probably the world's most powerful AND frequency accurate sunlamp.
The original Priore device below- was documented by the French government to have healed thousands of cancers and many other diseases. The principle is simple- centripetal fields- are the opposite of cancer. (more below)

(original discussion: )
Quotes from that article (pointing to Theraphi): "

"If embedding as a measureable wave function creates touchability for cells, it
then defines THE OPPOSITE OF CANCER, and thus predicts in immediate
practical terms how to cure it.."

"This perfect nesting wave geometry for how to touch
(../touch) applies not just to HOW people need to
hug/touch, BUT ALSO EXPLICITLY FOR HOW CELLS NEED TO HUG/TOUCH. Since response to touch (contact inhibition/ touching failing to inhibit replication), IS THE DEEPEST
So now below here, we must ask what wave geometry would restore the cells
ability to respond to touch? (ending cancer).. Fortuneately, PERFECT
EMBEDDING VS. FAILURE TO EMBED, mathematically provide a

!Note the article- where we proved the exact frequencies of
ADP/ATP, and
hydrogen / DNA, and
the Sacral Cranial fluid pump, and
the HRV, and
the EEG power spectra of peak experience, AND
photosynthesis -and
the Schumann resonance harmonics-

WERE ALL an accurate phase conjugate negentropic collapse pump wave
- how self organization and life is defined
( fit Dan Winter's equation for ORIGIN OF BIOLOGIC NEGENTROPY: Planck x Phi^N):

Fractal Field Technologies.. from Dan Winter and Implosion Group (Brazil / Australia / Canada )- have developed- a completely new updated demonstration prototype:

Thera-Phi (formerly) PRIORE- Rejuvenation Field Technology (below)

Other Implosion Group Index: - - - - - - - -

Clinical installations- available for informed consent trials- begin August and Sept. - 2015 - in Belgium, South France, and Georgia USA
stay tuned here for access to these trials- contacts will be provided.

Return to Implosion Group / Dan Winter index: ( Our complete summary of bioactive field/ growth / rejuvenation field effect technologies)


Restoring Biologic Negentropy -USING THE PRINCIPLE: Fractal Plasma Time Reversal Field Tech- Prototype soon Ready!
Implosion Group Australia team - is preparing to release WITH this new book.. A PRIORE Device-. Their latest functioning prototype: The Priore Plasma Field was documented by the French Government- for curing thousands of serious diseases and cancer: (pdfs: ) Dan Winter's equations now explain the pure phase conjugate principle behind Priore- and our partners are completing the very exciting prototype (see picture): Actual biologic living plasma induced time reversal field technology! Plasma conjugate light and magnetics- all based precisely on the frequencies and phase conjugate technology described in FRACTAL SPACE TIME!

PRIORE Rejuvenation Field- Technology - Historical Literature Background- Below


Compare the physics: Plume from Plasma Pencil Shown to Kill Leukemia Cells

Here is what our new 'cold flame' PRIORE rejuvenation field plasma array looks like: (below- are the technical pdf's)

Radio Interview: DanWinterMikeHarrisLivingPlasmaRadio.mp3
Links for with the Interview: Priore Healing Plasma/Rejuvenation , Origin Alphabet Animations, Origin Propulsion & ANU Story..
Holy Light (Jerusalem) Plasma Miracle Story, Ophanim/Angel (Plasma) Physics & Connection to Greek..

Newest related article: Experiencing /Playing / Singing- IMPLOSION SOUND:

Latest April 2015: film set on ET Origins of DNA (discussion below)

Also new: Monoatomics & Plasma Energy- (The deep scientific meaning of temple- as plasma projection / ' stargate')

Note: Dan Winter / Implosion Group blog/current updates have migrated to - Join us there- we're having fun!

Newest May 26, 2015: Dan Winter- Mike Harris Revolution Radio / Veterans Today Radio Show 1 hr 43 min: DanWinterwithMike Harris-2015-05-26.mp3


More background please also see Dr. Elsheikh - REGENERATIVE MEDICINE- new pdf at

For those wishing to learn of the science behind our THERAPHI - Plasma Healing- also please see the 2 new courses below at our Fractal University:

- see NEW films-

Announcing: Fractal U: THE Fractal Field University - with 4 latest conference films up-to celebrate launching-and announce our themes in association with
Sponsored by - Dan Winter - and Implosion Group - - THE place the learn the science and universe sweeping broad practical applications of the new fractal field sciences
- like
Inexpensive- highly interactive- real telepresence into your space- your questions answered- media rich!
We have the world's most compelling teaching team and state of the art- teaching environment- right here- to learn the real new physics AND new physics of consciousness.

Courses at related to our THERAPHI Plasma Rejuvenation technology:

BioActive/Living Electric Fields:Commercial Applications of FRACTAL FIELD Physics
- Course Dates : Nov. 15, 2015 - & Jan. 17, 2016 - Sunday 2pm EST/NY Time (8pm Paris, 11 am California)

Class Link:
a) plasma rejuvenation /healing / seed treatment / and Kundalini - bliss trigger / stem cell switch - and shamanic stargate?
b) - Implosion science for water, agriculture and health
c) - applying implosion for radical healing in spa technology
d) bioactive glass
e) bioactive cement-
f) intro to bioactive field architecture -
The quintessential new information:
All biology remains alive to the extent it's electric/magnetic field is centripetal.
That's what holds it together. That's what allows a seed to attract it's first nutrient: life or death.
This is why centripetal (conjugate / fractal-therefore NEGENTROPIC ) electric/magnetic fields accelerate life /and heal living systems.
Designing and maintaining life- giving centripetal / conjugate / fractal fields- is the essence of the Hermetic project- where the caducceus IS phase conjugation.
It was the difference between life and death- the design of dolmenic bio-active fields - for the ancients this was called 'raising a SHEM'.
It was the turning point in the evolution of civilization- the design of life giving, healing, age regressing charge fields.
This is more than ever true today- as we learn how the geopathic non-centripetal fields of our modern non-fractal geopathic buildings- are killing us.


Advanced plasma healing concepts: in depth
Class Link:
- Course Dates : Nov. 22, 2015 - & Jan. 24, 2016 - Sunday 2pm EST/NY Time (8pm Paris, 11 am California)
More clinical understanding of the PRIORE plasma healing work we developed into our Theraphi. This course will be co-taught with our plasma specialist Paul.
HOW plasma healing - is also a kundalini/bliss trigger potentially, and a seed treatment pulse, and a stem cell switch- and even a shaman portal.



SHEM:'accessing the black hole'- conjugator-origin of term-below> The sCHEMatic for Implosion- origin of alCHEMy, CHEMistry, sCHEManism..
In the book (and introduced at original article: ) we present evidence that this "VAIROCANA EFFECT"
- was a turning point in the survival of civilization when they learned how to build a BIOACTIVE FIELD
It would save agriculture (fertility effect / charge seeds),
and save tribal memory (SHEManic ability to plasma project)- connection to ancestral memory - ability to take memory (plasma projection) through birth and death.
What a good time for a turning point in OUR civilization- to learn the electrical science of life force / negentropy generation!


Update, New Films, New Background Articles..

with Dan Winter

Update- Mathematics of PHASE CONJUGATION / FUSION- June 2012:

also- addend here- complete review of Priore Phase Conjugate Tech- below- added more from Tom Bearden- see bottom here..

Update July 2011: 20 New Films on Phase Conjugation and the RESTORATION OF CENTRIPETAL -Self Organizing and Life-Giving - FORCES:

Also see: replicated measurements of our Phase Conjugate Dielectric PYRAPHI- accelerating metabolism 40-50%:

Related new developments- we now have equations to show that the PHASE CONJUGATE MAGNETIC (term coined by Dan Winter) - frequencies Elizabeth Rauscher used in her FDA study on magnetic pain elimination- DID FIT Dan Winter's equation( planck time x golden ratio exponents) for phase conjugate magnetics. COMPRESSION RESTORED IS HEALING!

Also related Dan Winter's new equation showing this same equation for phase conjugation (fractality) in space (planck length x golden ratio exponents), and in time (planck time x golden ratio exponents)- defines synchronicity - time is charge rotation- synchronicity is the charge distribution enabled by fractality in time:

Finally- note this same equation predicts which frequencies do create photosynthesis (life is the charge distribution this phase conjugation / fractality allows!):

==Update Feb 2017: Understanding HOW the LONGITUDINAL EMF- produced by PHASE CONJUGATION in THERAPHI- are BIOACTIVE / REJUVENATING / Capable of action at a distance:

Dan Winter's 2hr course FILM link from - Feb 12. 2017:

The central 'only path out of chaos' negentropic wave science we have discovered shows that
a Phase Conjugate or Fractal field- generates opposing wave fronts like 'pine cones kissing noses' - which implode at the planck sphere-
generating gravity, color, life, consciousness, bliss
( science summary / update:

The mechanism is that the transverse (up and down) - EMF wave 'translates its vorticity' as it travels down the (phase conjugating) golden spiral on the pine cone- then emerging without inertia loss- as a LONGITUDINAL EMF wave (compressional /back and forth) wave thru the planck sphere out the tip of the pine cone.This longitudinal wave component- measureably goes faster than light ( by golden ratio multiples x C)- and can pass thru about anything. This very usefully introduces the wave physics of 'miracles' and the 'divine sciences' - and the "spiritual" 'spooky action at a distance' Einstein talked about.

Longitudinal electromagnetics- are sometimes called 'scalar' or 'torsional'-we consider these terms less rigorous- since among other issues- a scalar vector has other meanings in physics.It is well documented ( Bearden et al.) that it is the longitudinal wave component which is most responsible for bioactive / healing / rejuvenation fields - hence plasma rejuvenation- we optimize at

Dan Winter's course: - Feb 12. 2017: Images for this course: FlameinMindFractalU.pdf
Visualizing the Conjugate/ Longitudinal - Wave Science for Ritual / Magic / Bliss - "Making the EL"-phase shift - "Penetrating the Veil" into the Collective Unconscious/ Ancestral Memory / Communion of Saints- "Doorway into the Lucid Dream"- Passage through Death.- also with Dr Teresa Burns and Alan Moore..

It is also a breakthrough to understand how conjugate longitudinal interferometry creates the 'action at a distance' / 'flame in the mind' / and remote plasma containment ( which is the holy grail of fusion research- the TRUE wave mechanics of alchemy- plasma implosion:

We particularly discuss how to practically apply these insights psychologically. Suppose you are studying how to lucid dream. You realize that moving your head on your pillow when you wake up from your dream- weakens your ability to remember- and hold together the wave shape of your dream memory. CASTING YOUR "DREAM SPELL": You begin to think that the dream memory is an actual electric field you do not want to disturb. You recall that dream coherence is an indicator of how much memory you will take with you when you die. Then you concieve that if you can track WITH YOUR ATTENTION- the wave fronts normally transverse- bobbing up and down - AS THEY GO DOWN THE SPIRAL PINECONE (over Dorothy's 'rainbow')- THAT THERE IS A WAY (making the 'EL' phase shift) TO NOW TRACK THE MUCH MORE RAPIDLY PROPAGATING WAVE FRONT NODES- AS THEY SPREAD OUT IN PERFECTED WAVE DISTRIBUTION- INTO THE CONJUGATE/ FRACTAL/ LONGITUDINAL FIELD. (fractal) field geometry which ALLOWS these wave fronts to propagate forever/ infinitely - IF they can enter this rose shaped FRACTAL FIELD ( see here - Star Mother Kit- infinite dodeca nest fractal stellation - ). The Gurdjieff's Sufi saint is the one who CAN make an echo sustain... Ray Moody's medical teams have proven- the patients death visions are ELECTRICALLY CONTAGIOUS - just like a black hole! (and you intuit that real conjugate electrical engineers can DESIGN the architecture for successful death and birth!)- See also the known conjugate geometry of the documented implosive- sequence of visions archetypal at death!-

We discuss this (bioactive - and action at a distance capability)
longitudinal EMF wve mechanics in the THERAPHI -
with wave animations at


Conjugating toroidal domains of light/charge
- as a symmetry index ALPHABET of 'slip knots' in the rope (of light):
(with animations at link) - become both sacred alphabet
AND the symmetry domain sequencing of the physics of creation (successful charge compression).


Dan Winter's new book FRACTAL SPACE TIME - on the physics behind the PRIORE Rejuvenation Field- Actually Predicts the Frequency Series Used:

Dan Winter’s new book presents the most compelling and systematic scientific evidence to date – that fractality in space and time is the specific mechanism and cause of gravity, biologic negentropy, life force, perception, and human bliss. Although several hugely famous authors have already presented their books on fractality in time- by comparison – this book shows they were functionally clueless about the physics. Winter quotes many scientists who have already speculated that fractality is the cause of gravity- BUT Winter is the first to very specifically define the frequency, geometry, and wave mechanic optimization of that gravity causing fractality.

"Everything Centripetal, Negentropic, Gravity Producing, or ALIVE
- becomes so - by BEING a (perfect wave fractal) PHASE CONJUGATE PUMP WAVE!"

Winter’s work (with his mathematics team- including Martin Jones )- was the first to prove the wave equations showing golden ratio solves the problem of max constructive interference, compression, and phase conjugation. SO phase conjugation – well known and proven in optics for time reversal, self organization and negentropy- now becomes a candidate for proving negentropy in general (many physicists agree that the gravity is itself negetropic / self  organizing). Originally- just Dan's theory – that golden ratio phase conjugate multiples of planck length and time – the universal key signature of the vacuum- would optimize negentropy. Winter has now gone on to prove it. He was famous for proving that hydrogen radii are exact golden ratio phase conjugate multiples of Planck. In his new book Winter has assembled with equation graphics results overwhelming further evidence- that golden ratio exact multiples of planck predict: * photosynthesis frequencies, * schumann resonance frequencies, * brainwave frequencies causing peak perception/ bliss, *(new) table showing the sacral cranial tidal frequencies are phase conjugate , * new table showing the ear ringing ‘sound current’ frequencies heard by meditators are phase conjugate !, *almost exact duration of Earth AND Venus orbital years,  - the list goes on ... (dodeca /icosa conjugate geometry of d,f electron shell noble gases and platinum group metals- physics of alchemic implosive charge collapse- new science of transmutation..). These are all the structures which produce life and negentropy! They fit the pattern far too well- for this to be arbitrary.

Everyone agrees that fractality is infinite compression. Fractal mathematics teaches the mathematics of infinite compression but until Winter- no one knew what a fractal FIELD was. Golden Ratio is unquestionably self-similarity optimized- as precisely is fractality. Einstein argued that gravity was infinite charge compression- but never learned what a fractal was. Winter now presents overwhelming evidence that golden ratio phase conjugation IS fractality incarnate in all wave mechanics. IF Winter is right with his exact frequency signatures for fractality in space and time- he clearly presents how to repair all wave systems to emerge from chaos- fixing environments for peak perception, amplifying the Schumann phase conjugate pump wave so Gaia climate emerges from chaos- are just the beginning. Fractality in time is now quantized and predictable- you can set your calendar. Synchronicity is nothing more than the charge coupling produced by conjugate embedding – in the (fractal) charge rotation intervals- called time. How to emerge from chaos- starts with knowing why objects fall to the ground- now for the first time both questions are answered- in pure fractal highly accurate wave mechanics: HOW negentropy originates!

Predictably with Winter, there is also a deeply spiritual aspect to his new book. He claims that ALL concepts of 'sacred space' (bioactive fields- the SHEM), collective unconscious, communion of saints, and living plasma surviving death (NDE)- are specifically explained and can be created and optimized intelligently with the teachable science of ubiquitous phase conjugate dielectrics, optics, magnetics etc (Elizabeth Rauscher has acknowledged Winter for inventing phase conjugate magnetics). He insists spiritual traditions are ONLY completed with a new and powerful fractal geometry wave physics- eliminating the need for disempowering miracle worship, personality worship.. AND religion wars.

(The Fractal Space-Time equations here form the basis of a developing technology of Life Force - Plasma Rejuvenation Field - re-invented PRIORE device - see below)

--Winter draws on a lifetime experience as Magna Cum Laude Electrical Engineer, Trained IBM Systems Analysis, 30 years of teaching and invention biofeedback, the physics of consciousness, physics of feng shui .. he currently coordinates multiple international teams involved in Breakthru-Technologies as well. With about 1/4 million - various YOUTUBE films of his 30 years of teaching in most every major country on the planet- (to our knowledge no one has more) Winter is a major force in the global project of teaching serious spiritual science.

3 Ways to Order Now:
Fractal SpaceTime - Dan Winter's compelling new book -
*1: PDF Full Color Online, *2: Amazon Kindle Color Online, *3. Printed 192 Page Softbound -Color Covers -Full A4 Size

1. Order the Full Color 192 Page PDF
-for immediate reading online: 10 Euros ( = approx $13.00 USD)

Fractal Space Time-PDF color

When you complete the paypal- click return to Implosion Group-and it will give you the confidential link to your complete PDF (any problem: email- danwinter(at) -we will respond..

2 Order the Full Color Amazon Kindle Edition - for immediate reading online:

Above- Available- Winter's- Accurate geometric model of the NEGENTROPY FIELD -
Star Mother Kit- available to order:



or 3:
Order the Beautifully Printed - Soft-Bound Color Cover - 192 Page PRINTED Version - just published-Implosion Group Publishing
Australian $29.50 + 10 Air Shipping =Total 39.50AUD
(=Approx 35 USD)

Fractal SpaceTime:Printed Book



Dan Winter wrote: "Would not recursive iteration climax in golden ratio phase conjugation wave function?"......... Feedback:
Reply from - Lori Gardi 'Fractal Women' - " This is exactly what I am saying. The Universal Wavefunction (iterated wave function system) generates the phi relationship via the simultaneous expansion-contraction dynamic.  The phase conjugate wave function is just the complex conjugate of the incident wave function. In my theory, phase conjugate waves corresponds to the negative and positive imaginary components of the Mandelbrot set."


Updating Physics evidence- Dan Winter's Phase Conjugate Fractal theory of gravity- predicts the physics literature is likely mistaken for inventing 'dark matter' merely because they could not account for more gravity in the universe than it's mass required- BECAUSE physics is unaware the ARRANGEMENT (conjugate symmetries)- of the mass- would increase the AMOUNT of gravity (per Winter's model)- YET much evidence shows the arrangement of mass in the universe (like in the Earth)- is dominantly (golden ratio conjugate) DODECAHEDRAL! - New physics article- may support this: What If Dark Matter Were Actually A Vast Electric Field?


Fractal Field- Newest Article- May 2014- Generalized Origins of BIOLOGIC NEGENTROPY-

Note above- the physics equation which predicts the frequencies- PRIORE - below- used..


In which Tom Bearden makes it clear: (16:00- 19:00) there is virtually no transmission of transverse EMF - thru the ether/ vacuum - in fact the only propagation is via longitudinal emf thru the vacuum ( Tesla was right) - Bearden describes in detail Anton Priore - systematically eliminating cancer in accurately studied populations of rats and more - (53:00-56:00)

Bearden seems unaware of the necessary frequency signation to optimize phase conjugation (which I published just before his passing) - or that Tesla seemed unaware of the necessary fractal nodal geometry for sustainable longitudinal emf nodes.

Bearden's term 'scalar interferometry' is more accurately 'longitudinal interferometry'

Science Review: Phase Conjugation and HEALING..

- an example of centripetal / conjugate fields- creating electrical HEALING SELF-ORGANIZATION.

This section is about the PRIORE Healing Machine - Priore's device is the fore-runner to Theraphi
However Theraphi team used all new concepts- since they understood the principle of operation- PHASE CONJUGATE TUNED NEGENTROPY
which Priore clearly did not. Theraphi uses state of the art electronics- and a much corrected and more accurate power spectra
- not to mention correct pairing for conjugation of plasmas which Priore never tried nor understood the need for.
Still the results PRIORE did accomplish- documented below- clear show the potential
-which Theraphi team now intends to appropriately document clinically- with their new understanding of the physics- from Dan Winter. ( primary drive frequency: delta centered) "If phase conjugate replicas of a cancer's cell's specific "delta" frequencies are fed into the body having that cancer, the deviation of the cancer cell's master cellular control system will be "time reversed." That will return the cancer cell to control of the animal's proper master cellular control system. The cancerous cell will be immediately destroyed, or reverted back to a normal cell of the animal. A very similar process exists for just about every disease bacterium and infectious agent that attacks the body."

The principle is that naturally phase conjugate noble gases are pumped with a conjugating frequency
- see above- these frequencies, decades later turn out to fit amazingly well Dan Winter's new equation (planck time- exponents golden ratio!).

--This produces electromagnetic and optical conjugating/ centripetal fields- so essential to healing.
Phase conjugation is known to produce LONGITUDINAL EMF (sometimes called scalar / torsional)
- which are widely agreed to be the key mechanism of bioactive fields. ( see also )

Another Nexus article about Priore - here in English - pdf:


Update: Understanding MONOATOMICS- and CONJUGATION:


Update Nov 2013: Complete reprint of the long lost compelling Priore Book: DOSSIER PRIORE (it is in French - use google translate)

Please read some of the very detailed pdf files - on the documented history of PRIORE (acknowledgement to Tom Bearden here):

FasanellaPrioreChiareLetr.pdf (in Italian - suggest translator - google or chrome?)




Beardens slides on Priore- suggest:

also see the description below- courtesy of Tom Bearden



Priore- regeneration - (all the detailed Priore regenerative technology pdfs) :

and the project intro from Roger Green:

See the film at:

Published on Mar 8, 2014
MAP stands for Magnetically Aligned Plasma, advanced technology based on the 1960's ground breaking Priore Technology that proved without a doubt that magnetic plasmas can regenerate the body's cells. Full description on
Based on magnetic cascade, which eliminates pain and speeds healing.
In the 1960's and 1970's, in France Antoine Priore built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of startling effectiveness. In hundreds and hundreds of rigorous tests with laboratory animals, Priore's machine cured a wide variety of the most difficult kinds of terminal, fatal diseases known today.
However- the technology was then supressed ! Time to now get it back into society. We are very passionate about this and are seeking investors.

Comment from Dan Winter: above we have complete breakthru- DRAMATIC and SOLID physics evidence of the ability to build the planets most regenerative, negentropic, healing field effect- DEMONSTRATING THE ABSOLUTE PURE PRINCIPLE OF WHAT LIVING NEGENTROPY IS! [the real caducceus/ conjugate ' magic of Hermes']
- all this - while not one government, hospital, university, or medical school, or publication -even remotes cares or gives a damm- or would even consider that self regenerating fields exist and can be made. THE most important concept ever developed in healing: the electrical ESSENCE of the root of all real bible study: "I will build a SHEM (regenerative field)/ 'altar' unto the Lord"...

What this tells me is that those institutions uneducated in the principle of emerging from chaos/ negentropy- of this planet deserve their impending death. The only path out of chaos is clearly electrically marked- it is phase conjugate and negentropic- and those whose arrogance blinds them to the truth- deserve the chaos they face. This principle is especially the essential solution to those who need to restore [electrical] negentropy to the ATMOSPHERE AROUND DYING PLANETs.... like Earth! (if you thought your climate was going into chaos.. you ain't seen nothin yet..)


This is simply a short reprint from some of Tom Bearden's helpful notes on Phase Conjugation, Self Organization and the Healing process.

It should be pointed out that Tom nicely notes the observable nature of self organization and self repair - in

The Tom Bearden Website

The Priore (Healing) Machine and Phase Conjugation

A Non-Technical Description of the Priore Process

In the 1960's and 1970's, in France Antoine Priore built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of startling effectiveness.

In hundreds and hundreds of rigorous tests with laboratory animals, Priore's machine cured a wide variety of the most difficult kinds of terminal, fatal diseases known today.

Funded by the French government in the amount of several million dollars, Priore's machines concretely demonstrated a nearly 100% cure of all kinds of terminal cancers and leukemias, in thousands of rigorous laboratory tests with animals. These results were shown to medical scientists as early as 1960.

Many of the experiments and tests were done by prestigious members of the French Academy of Sciences. Robert Courrier, head of the Biology Section: and Secretaire Perpetuel, personally introduced Priore's astounding results to the French Academy.

The operation of the Priore machine was seemingly incomprehensible. Many orthodox French scientists—some of them world renowned—were outraged at the success of such a machine, shrilling that science had nothing to do with "black boxes:."

They loudly called upon the inventor to explain the mechanism utilized by his machine, but the inventor either wouldn't or couldn't explain the curative mechanism.

Priore certainly knew how to build the machine and make it work. It is debatable to this day whether anyone—Priore included —actually understood its principle of operation.

Neither the French Academy nor Antoine Priore knew anything of phase conjugation at the time.

In fact, the entire Western World knew nothing of phase conjugation in the 1960's when Priore was getting his finest results. At that time, only the Soviets knew of time-reversed waves.

Certainly Priore's machine was impressive.

Into a tube containing a plasma of mercury and neon gas, a pulsed 9.4 gigahertz wave modulated upon a carrier frequency of 17 megahertz was introduced. These waves were produced by radio emitters and magnetrons in the presence of a 1,000 gauss magnetic field. Experimental animals were exposed to this magnetic field during irradiation, and the mixture of waves (some 17 or so) coming from the plasma tube and modulating and riding the magnetic field passed through the animals' bodies.

Amongst other things, a plasma can convert a transverse wave to a longitudinal wave. Also, phase conjugate (time-reversed) waves can be produced by plasmas. Priore's apparatus produced a scalar EM wave/signal with deliberately constructed, infolded components including phase conjugate waves.

One of Priore's intermediate devices.  This device cured terminal cancers
 and leukemias in thousands of laboratory animals.  
(Courtesy Bob Whitney)

One may roughly view a cancer cell as a normal human cell gone "awry" and out of control of the body's master cellular control system. The cancerous cells, viewed as a sort of separate, parasitic group of cells, form a special kind of organism having its own master cellular control system "level," immersed in the host's biopotential.*

*One strongly points out the relevance of Dr. Robert Becker's epochal experiments proving that cells can be dedifferentiated and redifferentiated electrically. Those experiments are strong indicators that the cancer cell should be capable of being reverted to its more primitive state—that of the normal cell—by electromagnetic means.

There is thus a specific, constant electromagnetic "delta" that differentiates the parasitic cancerous "organism" from the normal -human cellular organism.

This "delta" can be considered a sort of constant, complex-structured charge existing in the body's atomic nuclei. It's exactly as if the body biopotential had been charged up by Kaznacheyev's "death photons" for that specific cancer condition.

If this cancerous "delta" (which may be rather like a complex intermodulation mix of waves)—or a frequency shifted "transform" of it to a different frequency band—is phase conjugated, a specific healing delta frequency pattern results.

If phase conjugate replicas of a cancer's cell's specific "delta" frequencies are fed into the body having that cancer, the deviation of the cancer cell's master cellular control system will be "time reversed."

That will return the cancer cell to control of the animal's proper master cellular control system. The cancerous cell will be immediately destroyed, or reverted back to a normal cell of the animal.

A very similar process exists for just about every disease bacterium and infectious agent that attacks the body.

Phase Conjugates of 'Death Photons" are "Healing Photons"

The Kaznacheyev experiments in the Soviet Union proved that any cellular death and disease pattern can be induced by a specific electromagnetic pattern carried on an electromagnetic signal, if the target cells are bombarded with the pattern-carrying carrier signals for a length of time. What was not published of Kaznacheyev's work was the correspondent work showing electromagnetic reversal of cellular death and disease conditions by irradiating the diseased cell cultures by phase conjugate replicas of the pattern-carrying induction signal.

In simplified terms, if an action in forward time induces a condition, then the time-reversal of that action will reverse the condition.

The concept is almost laughably simple. The time-reversal of an electromagnetic disease process is a specific healing process for that disease.

In his device, Priore internally structured the carrier photons themselves—making them vacuum engines. He phase conjugated his vacuum engines, and then passed these time-reversed vacuum engines down and through a strong magnetic field which thoroughly penetrated all cells of the biological organism being treated.

The scalar components (structured photons) representing the time-reversal of the disease were absorbed and reradiated in all the cells, "charging up" the nuclei of the atoms in the organism to some potential level of the exact "healing and reversing pattern."

In the process, the cancer/leukemia pattern/charge also destroyed the cancer calls, or converted them back to normal cells as appropriate. 

As a highly simplified analogy, the complex signal - viewed as a scalar Fourier expansion - represented a "stress" against any abnormal cellular control system encountered and returned it to the normal cell's master cellular control system of the body.

Encountering the normal control system in normal cells, it produced zero stress.

Encountering the abnormal control system in tumerous cells, it produced great stress on it, reverting it to the normal control system of the body's normal cells.

Thus to a normal cell the Priore signal pattern acted somewhat as a comb passing through one's hair.

No interference occurred with the normal cell (one whose scalar control pattern is phase-locked to the body's master cellular control system and in phase with it).

The Priore signal stimulated and "stroked" the normal cell, but did not hurt it at all.

On the other hand, the scalar control pattern in and of an abnormal (cancerous) cell is out of phase with the body's master cellular control system, and is not phase-locked to it.

Hence the Priore signal caused direct interference with the abnormal cell's independent scalar control system. The interference pattern constituted the reconstruction of normal energy directly in the cancerous cell, and also jammed its abnormal scalar life signal.

This destroyed the cancerous cell by two mechanisms: (1) physical energy was kindled directly in the abnormal cell, causing direct mechanical damage, and (2) the cancerous cell, being an "independent living critter," had its scalar life channel (connecting its primitive "mind" to its "body") jammed and stopped.

If the cancerous cell was reverted to a normal cell by the Priore stress before being destroyed, it became just a normal cell and the Priore stress had no further effect upon it.

The Effect is Universally Applicable

Any disease with cellular, biochemical, or genetic basis can be cured in like fashion.

Priore's method, for example, was clearly shown to be able to completely reverse clogging of the arteries with fatty deposits, and to be able to lower the cholesterol level to normal, even in the presence of an abnormally high cholesterol diet.

His method also showed complete mastery and cure of sleeping sickness and trypanosome-induced illnesses.

Often Priore found that every cell of the body—even the hair— must be irradiated and treated ("charged up") with the signal, for the disease pattern was in every cell. The master cellular control system is holographic—the pattern (substructured potential with its dynamic, oscillating components) is in each component (each atomic nucleus, hence in each cell.)

Every structural level of the body larger than the cell also has its own correlated pattern, or modulation, on the overall.

A biological organism can regenerate lost limbs, for example, if it can utilize its natural recovery process in a Priore manner.

Even though Priore's work was presented to the French Academy of Sciences by Robert Courrier, the prestigious head of the Biology Section, the Academy could not understand the device and its functioning.

That was because the Academicians knew nothing of scalar electromagnetics, and phase conjugation, and the Priore machine was a scalar electromagnetic device using phase conjugation.

In the Mid-70's It Ended

In 1974, a change of local government lost Priore his government supporters. His support and funding were lost.

Ironically, Priore was just completing a 4-stories-tall apparatus capable of radiating and treating entire human bodies. It would have been capable of curing cancer and leukemia in humans rather than just in laboratory rats. (His previous machines were much smaller, and only a small animal could be irradiated whole-body.  In that machine Priore used a "1amp," a special section, in which 17 specific frequencies were mixed and modulated upon the 9.4 gigahertz carrier.

The large, special, phase-conjugating plasma tube for Priore's giant
device.  The final machine would have treated humans "whole-body."
(Courtesy Bob Whitney)

Capping assembly for the top of Priore's giant plasma tube device.  The 
last device would have treated human patients "whole-body."  The cap assembly was
on the third floor of the device.
(Courtesy Bob Whitney)

The machine was large enough to irradiate humans over their whole body. It should have been capable of curing cancer and leukemia in two five-minute irradiations, one week apart.

While Priore was still alive, with my associates I spent nearly two years of my life in an effort to bring the Priore device to market and into the mainstream of medical research and development.

Robert Whitney, Frank Golden, and Tony Gideon played the major role, going to France and negotiating directly with the Priore group and the French government.

Verbal agreements with both the Priore group and with the French government were obtained. The machines were to be built, assembled, and tested in Bordeaux. Then they were to be dismantled and shipped to the purchasers—large medical research and development laboratories where they would be reassembled on site.

A group of wealthy backers was going to provide the necessary millions to fund the effort. Final contracts were being drawn.

Mysteriously, all funding for the project was suddenly withdrawn. Our backers were "leaned on" very hard and strongly threatened. Nothing we could do could revive the project.

Priore never again recovered his funding, and later died. The machine fell into disarray and was disassembled.

However, the proof that the requisite time-reversed signal can be produced, and will ride down a magnetic field, to penetrate every cell and every atomic nucleus in the body, is already in the present hard-core physics literature, if one knows where to look and how to properly interpret the work.

The fact that such signals can reverse nearly every major cellular illness condition of the body also has been proven by Priore and the scientists who worked with him, and it is in the French scientific literature.

The Priore-type cure for AIDS and other diseases only requires the necessary funding and personnel to be redeveloped and reestablished.

A Non-Technical Description of the Priore Process


A Non-Technical Description of the Priore Process

by Tom Bearden
November 9th, 2000

In simple terms, it works like this.  There are two mechanisms in the body of concern to treatment of disease and recovery from disease and damage.  One is the immune system, which is like the soldiers on a battlefield.  It attacks the "bad guys" (the invaders) and destroys them.  After a great battle, usually it wins (or we would all die), and the battlefield is littered with the residue.  The immune system also has large "scavenger" cells when then come in and "clean up the residue".  Thereafter, the function of the immune system is over.  It does not "heal" anything, even its own damaged cells.
The actual "healing" system in the body is the cellular regenerative system, poorly studied, and in fact mostly studied by Becker.  This is an electromagnetic system, but of a rare kind not used in our common power systems, communication systems, etc.  Instead of using the common transverse EM waves, this system uses longitudinal EM waves and time-polarized EM waves.  Ugh!  A time-polarized EM wave is an energy current in the time domain, and the basis for such does appear in a very modern physics theory called quantum field theory.  There we are introduced to time-polarized photons, for example.  The easiest way to "visualize" a time-polarized oscillation is that, instead of oscillating energy in space, the wave oscillates the rate of flow of time just a little bit.  So it is a "compression and rarefaction of the local rate of flow of time", so to speak.
Anyway, just as biological systems used common electromagnetism, frequency modulation, amplitude modulation etc. for eons before Maxwell finally glued together magnetism and electricity, it has also used this "time-domain" type of "hidden" electrodynamics since the beginning.  In fact, it uses it to heal damaged cells, etc.  It works this way:
After the Russians briefed Lawrence Livermore Laboratory scientists in 1972 about a strange kind of electromagnetic wave that would suddenly appear in experiments and "restore order", modern phase conjugate optics was born.  In extremely simple terms, suppose you "squeeze" (pump) a little particle of nonlinear mass with spatial-energy (normal) EM waves at certain frequencies, and then "tickle" the rhythmically squeezed mass with a separate little EM wave that you input.  Oddly, the energy in the "pumping" waves will be transformed into a strange kind of "backwards traveling" or "crawfish" wave that backtracks the path that the little input wave took.  In short, this strange "time-reversed" wave in essence is in magnitude some fraction or amplification of the input wave, and it propagates back along the path taken by the input wave -- even if the input wave itself is already "gone"!
So with NORMAL pumping with spatial energy, we create an amplified time-reversal spatial energy wave that REVERSES whatever the input wave did.
Here is the magic in the Priore process:  If we pump (squeeze rhythmically) a living cell in the TIME domain, we pump every part and point of it simultaneously.  So we produce an amplified "time-reversal force wave" on each and every part of the mass-energy comprising the cell.  The miraculous thing is that we then precisely "time-reverse" the entire cell and all its parts -- including the genetics itself -- back along the previous path through time that the cell took in having changes occur to it -- such as diseases and damage!
Not only can we amplify and time-reverse the energy in a normal EM wave, but we can now also amplify (shorten the time required to change) and time-reverse the energy comprising a living mass.
We can gradually reverse the damaged or diseased cell back to an earlier physical condition, before the damage or disease was there!  The cell itself gradually physically changes.
That is the basic mechanism, uncovered by this researcher, that every living biological system uses to heal itself.  That is the final mechanism that Becker so ardently sought and so closely approached in his epochal work, and that is the mechanism that was responsible for the astounding cures achieved by the Priore team in France in the 1960s and early 1970s.
It took me 14 years to decipher that mechanism, so simply explained above.
Anyway, the body ages only because gradually the cellular regenerative system deteriorates a bit, and so can no longer fully restore the cells back to full youthful vigor.  The aging process itself can also be reversed and "cured" by precisely the same process.  We emphasize that all the treatment does is accelerate and enhance the human body's own natural healing mechanism -- which still does not appear in our medical science, because the type of electrodynamics used by the body's healing process has not even been applied (and seldom even studied) by Western medical scientists.
A rigorous theoretical basis for the foregoing can now be established from the pioneering advanced electrodynamics work of a few great pioneers, such as Evans and Barrett.  The electrodynamics that results is in fact a unified field theory, which is now shown by those researchers.  Particularly the magnificent higher symmetry O(3) electrodynamics advanced by Evans has "met in the middle" with Sachs' unified field theory, and so the combined Sachs-Evans theory is now able to fully model and explain the mechanisms involved.
Yet our scientific community remains hostile to the very notion of EM healing, even though the natural healing mechanism used in all biological systems is purely electrodynamics -- albeit a most unusual form of electrodynamics that the medical scientists do not study.
I also found a way independently to greatly accelerate the Priore method, and then discovered later that French researchers had previously uncovered this mechanism, without at all understanding it.  Nonetheless they first demonstrated it.  In the Priore method, one must irradiate the entire body of the patient (or animal subject) with longitudinal EM waves, made from plasmas, etc.  Priore embedded these waves in rippling magnetic field carriers, to guarantee that the deepest bone marrow was penetrated and exposed to the non-ionizing radiation.  Irradiation with longitudinal waves stimulates the body to produce a little more of the time-polarized "pump" waves, hence achieves some "pumping" of the required type in the living cells.  That results in "time-reversal" of the damaged cells back to health; in short, an accelerated natural healing process.
In the new method, if the exact spectrum of EM radiation FROM a diseased or cellularly-damaged body is captured and amplified, and then fed back into the body, one finds a very strange process occurs.  Imagine that you have a great ship with portholes, and there are many dynamic processes ongoing in that ship, which all emit light, etc.  The light reflects from many things in the ship, but eventually emerges from the portholes.  Now imagine that you could put back in stronger light precisely antiparallel to the emerging light, of exactly the same frequency, waveform, patterning, etc.  All that amplified light energy would now travel backwards through all those (assumed) reflection paths, and arrive back at all the original processes.  But the arriving energy is greater than the ongoing emerging energy, so the processes get "reversed" back to a previous state of operation.
In short, the "porthole" effect uses only ordinary EM radiation, but very precisely and very carefully measured and tailored.  Yet it will also engender the same time-domain pumping back in all the deep interaction of the body, in every cell and every part of it.  In short, we get a direct and very quick time-reversal of all those physical processes.
This method is very dramatic, and very quick (less than one minute irradiation).  It is also agonizing  to the patient during irradiation (it has been done surreptitiously on dogs, e.g., by a researcher who wisely conceals his identity) and did rejuvenate an aged, crippled German shepherd.
All of this, properly funded with a great scientific team carefully chosen, can provide a revolutionary new medical therapy.  There are no such things as "resistant pathogens" to the process; everything is mass energy and just get backed up right out of there.  Indeed, the exchange between the pathogen and the host's immune system, where the pathogen finally succeeded in tricking or avoiding the immune system (as in AIDS), is also reversed back out of there, and the immune system is also restored to full vigor.  The result is that the immune system now recognizes the pathogens again completely, and goes after them vigorously.  In short, the body is again able to use its full healing power against the "resistant" organism again, completely negating the "deception" that was achieved by the pathogen.
But this science will never be born from the official science community, because those who control the funds for research will simply not allow it.  It will require a private group or private wealthy person to fund the research necessary to do it.
Let us hope that the day comes when the funds are available, and we then do get on finally with developing a science of total healing, to replace and augment the present medical science of cut, burn, kill, and vaccinate.

In response to a further query on this subject, Dr. Bearden responds:


I know of no other reference to time-reversing the cells electromagnetically than my own papers.
In biology, the change of a cell to a previous or "more primitive" state is called dedifferentiation.  The change of a cell "forward" or to a "more specialized" state is called "differentiation".  So the change of the cell back to a more primitive state or forward to a more specialized state is well-known.
Another area involved is cellular regeneration.  Robert Becker's work is probably the best and most advanced example of the state of the art of the study that has been done of the "cellular regeneration system", particularly from the standpoint of inducing changes in it by electromagnetic means.  Becker did, I feel, induce the phase conjugation effects, but during much of his work (earlier, 1960s) modern phase conjugate optics had not even been born.  It eventually got started after Russian researchers briefed U.S. researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory about a strange EM wave in reactions that would come back out and "restore order" in disordering processes.  Even then, it really did not get well underway until about 1979 or 1980, except for a handful of U.S. researchers such as Yariv and Fisher.
So Becker's work used ordinary EM electromagnetics, without the phase conjugate part of the theory -- but his work did show some of the effects.  He certainly was able to stimulate regeneration or partial regeneration of limbs in certain test species.
As another problem, even today phase conjugate electromagnetics does NOT deal with reversing mass-energy itself, so that the mass is "time-reversed".  Instead, it is concerned only with forming a time-reversed replica of an input wave (as in 4-wave mixing).  The beauty of the process is that the two oppositive "pump" waves add energy to the phase conjugate replica wave that is born in response to the stimulus wave (called the "signal" wave).  So the resulting time-reversed wave may have greater energy than the stimulus way to which it responded.  But some of the characteristics are most interesting.  The stimulated time-reverse wave will "travel" or appear back along through space over the exact path, point by point, that the stimulus or input wave took when it came in.  (This is the simplest case; it is possible to force the emitted time-reverse wave in the forward direction as well, etc.).
Here is the point:  We may consider the energy in an ordinary EM wave to be oscillating in a plane (the wavefront) which is traveling at the speed of light).  In short, the energy exists in two dimensions in its oscillation, but the entire "carrier plane for the oscillation" is moving.
In a mass, the mass-energy is three dimensional, not two dimensional, and it is not confined to a plane wavefront.  Hence standard "two-dimensional wave in space" pumping will not reverse the mass.  It will simply produce nonlinear wave effects, such as phase conjugating incoming "signal" wave or some of the "signal' waves present in the mass.
So the problem in returning the mass-energy includes several requirements:  (1) the 3-dimensional energy (highly compressed) that is the mass-energy is what must constitute the "signal wave", (2) the pumping must pump every single point in the mass, throughout its interior, simultaneously, else we are not pumping 3-dimensional energy but are pumping "surface" wise or 2-dimensionally, (3) the domain in which we pump ("squeeze") must therefore be what is called "multiply connected" to every point in that 3-space object (mass), and so (4) that is a characteristic of time (the time domain, since at a single point it time, every spatial point in the universe exists), and (5) it must be a localized time-domain pumping, so that only the mass or its close vicinity is pumped.  Only by fulfilling all those requirements can we "pump the mass -- such as the human body or the body of a test animal -- in the time domain, thereby time-reversing the cells back to a previous earlier (healthy) condition.
In France, Pautrizel did some experiments with immature baby rats that clearly proved that time-reversal was involved.  He infested the rats (whose immune system was still very immature and not very strong) with trypanosomes.  Then he applied the Priore treatment, which restored the cells back to their previous condition and the immune system back to its previous system.  However, the time reversal does not kill the trypanosomes, so the pathogens are still present.  And the baby rats' immune systems were still very immature and unable to cope with the pathogens.  Hence those rats all died.  Yet mature rats with fully developed immune systems, infected the same way and treated the same way, resulted in the re-invigorated and strong immune systems dispatching the pathogens in short order, so that the rats all lived.  In short, he really did show that the EM non-ionizing radiation was in some manner time-reversing the cells of the treated body back over the paths they had taken in time.
Hence he demonstrated that, somehow, those five conditions were being achieved by the odd EM irradiation that Priore had established from stimulated plasmas in plasma tubes.
Becker showed that the cellular regeneration system also restores the cells, and is stimulated and amplified electromagnetically.  But he could not achieve quite such startling results, since he used ordinary EM radiation and not specialized EM radiation coming from plasmas.
That was the arena into which I stepped. The first problem was how to "pump in the time domain".  In quantum field theory, there are several polarizations of the photon: (1) the regular transverse photon, which we model as the energy oscillating sideways -- and this produces and constitutes the ordinary EM transverse wave.  That is the "energy oscillating in the plane of the wavefront, while the wavefront travels at light speed".  (2) the longitudinal photon, in which the energy vibrates along the line of motion of the photon, like an accordion contracting and expanding along that direction of travel as it travels.  (3) the time-polarized or "scalar" photon, in which the oscillation is "outside" 3-space and is oscillating in the time-dimension (time-domain).
Thus one has to discover how to make time-polarized EM waves, which do not appear in any straightforward fashion in Western literature.  I eventually worked out a proposed mechanism for that (the mechanism remains to be experimentally proven, but I am even surer of it now than when I first discovered it some years ago).  At any rate, at least in theory I finally had my required time-polarized EM wave, so that one could "pump" or "squeeze" the mass in the time-domain, and hence do what is required for mass-reversal back through its path through time.
This is NOT "time-travel" in the conventional science fiction sense.  In time-travel, the entire universe except the observer would have to be time-reversed back to a previous condition, while the observer continued to age normally (move in his forward time).  This does not do that at all.  What it does do, is take one piece of the universe and change it back to a previous state.  While it is uncomfortable for scientists to think in such terms, nonetheless dedifferentiation of cells -- e.g., as rigorously shown by Becker and others -- clearly shows that cells can be "retroregressed" or whatever name one chooses to call "time-reversal".  So it is a fact, experimentally demonstrated.
Becker's work, e.g., is applied to cure otherwise intractable bone fractures.  Trickle currents or pulsed EM is applied between silver electrodes, one on each side of the fracture. So (1) a potential exists in the area, and (2) a field also exists.  Eventually, new cells of the type that make bone are deposited in the fracture and it is healed.
Becker revealed the startling thing that happens.  The RED BLOOD CELLS entering the area undergo remarkable changes.  First, they shuck their hemoglobin and grow nuclei -- which is dedifferentiation back to a previous state, before they differentiated into red blood cells.  Then the redifferentiate (move forward in time) but to the type of cells that make cartilage!  However, that is not what is required, so these cells AGAIN redifferentiate (move forward in time) to the type of cells that make bone.  These are then deposited in the fracture site, closing the site and healing the fracture.
We worked out the underlying type of unified field effects that would be required for those types of changes.  We also worked out a proposed manner in which time-domain pump waves were produced in that fracture site.  Interestingly, so long as there was a "difference" between the type of cell being pumped (in this case, the red blood cells in the area), the pumping continued and was therefore continually acting to ELIMINATE THAT DELTA.  Hence the changes in the pumped active cells were continually being redirected toward bone cells.
By studying Becker's work and his proposed EM composition of the cellular regeneration system, it became clear that the above mechanism, expanded, was being used by the cellular regeneration system to restore cells.  This gave an entirely new function to the potentials in the cells and in their parts.  I already knew (from Whittaker's 1903 paper) that the scalar potential is actually comprised of sets of longitudinal EM phase conjugate wavepairs.  From this, it became obvious (if my proposed creating mechanism for producing time-polarized EM waves was correct) that the cellular regeneration system was capable of weakly producing time-polarized EM waves, and hence was capable of "pumping" the cells in the time-domain.  And therefore capable of time-reversing the mass-energy of the entire pumped cell.
That's about as simple as I can lay it out.
Hope this helps and perhaps answers the question.





 this section reprinted from:

by T.E. Bearden
Explore Issue: Volume 8, Number 3


from Explore Website

Spanish version


Energetics is the Russian name for what the present author has long referred to as scalar electromagnetics. In the Russian scheme, energetics as an overall name consists of three subsets:

(i)   energetics, which applies to nonliving physical systems

(ii)  bioenergetics, which applies to the physical bodies and cells of living systems

(iii) psychoenergetics, which applies to the minds, personalities, memories, emotions, and perceptions of living systems

Figure 1 shows the breakdown of energetics into its three branches. As an overall field, energetics is the application of Stoney-Whittaker-Ziolkowski (SWZ) internal structuring of the scalar potential, to constitute "hidden EM variables" in the sense of Bohm’s hidden variable theory.


It is thus the application and usage of vacuum engines, and vacuum engineering. Also, Bohm’s quantum potential, including its SWZ structuring, is utilized and applied. Both local action and action-at-a-distance are incorporated in energetics.

Partial support by the Association of Distinguished American Scientists (ADAS) is gratefully acknowledged.




During the last two years, we have produced and published several papers with insights into the overunity energy field and the energy medicine field which indicate areas for further intensive and rapid development.


Parts 1 through 3 of this article summarized the progress made in understanding overunity energy systems, and pointed out the need for a new energy medicine. Part 4 summarizes the progress made to date in formulating the new energy medicine, and indicates the nature of future articles planned in the series.


Some startling new overunity energy principles are also summarized.



A "New" and Revolutionary Medical Therapy


The Priore Energetics Therapeutic Method
The first full explanation of the Priore effect - cellular dedifferentiation (biological view) or time-reversal/phase conjugation (physics view), via unorthodox application of EM - has been given. [See Figure 25.]

The Priore team cured terminal tumors, trypanosomias, and other dread diseases in laboratory animals in France, in the 1960s and 1970s, under rigorous scientific protocols by eminent scientists.


The Priore project was funded by the French Government to the tune of several millions of dollars (equivalent).

The pertinent papers documenting the team’s results in the hard-core French literature have previously been cited.4


The Priore team’s results were impeccable, but no scientist has previously advanced an adequate explanation of the mechanism by which the puzzling usage of EM was able to perform such miracles.


The Key: Energetics and Vacuum Engines

The key was in Priore’s manipulation of the internal EM hidden variables comprising the DC potential.


Antoine Priore constructed a near-harmonic series of internal bidirectional "pump waves" (in the nonlinear phase conjugate optics sense) that pumped the cell and all its individual parts - including the genes and chromosomes - with pump waves in the internal structuring of the cell’s biopotentials. By standard nonlinear optics theory, this converted the cell and each of its parts to pumped phase conjugate mirrors.

The physical pattern of the disease constitutes an electromagnetic "signal wave" in terms of 4-wave mixing theory. It also constitutes a vacuum engine in the inner "hidden variables" domain inside the biopotentials, by a corollary to Wheeler’s principle. Thus, by standard pumped phase conjugate mirror theory, exact antiengines for the specific disease were self-generated in the diseased cell and each of its parts. The result was that the cell was time-reversed back to an earlier state (dedifferentiated back to its normal healthy state prior to becoming diseased or disordered).

It is accented that this mechanism is already the normal mechanism utilized by the body’s DC control system for its reparative or restorative system (as contrasted to the immune system). In the pumped case, the restorative mechanism is highly amplified by the nonlinear optical pumping in the interior EM channel utilized by the body’s own restorative system.

In other words, Priore found how to amplify and augment the body’s own restorative system - something which had not previously been discovered, at least to such a degree. Independently from Priore, Becker had pioneered the use of DC potentials to accelerate healing of bone fractures [see Figure 26] and also to differentiate and redifferentiate cells.


In Germany, Popp’s investigations into mitogenetic radiations from cells had revealed an underlying master cellular control system [Figure 27] which contained coherent photons.

In the Soviet Union, Kaznacheyev had gone much, much farther.


He had shown that, under the proper conditions, internally conditioned EM signals from damaged or dying cells transported cellular death and disease patterns into healthy cells, with his cytopathogenic mirror experiments. [See Figure 28]


However, most of Kaznacheyev’s work appears to have been classified by the former Soviet government, and directly applied toward developing EM biological warfare systems.

Carefully controlled testing of this "weaponized" distant EM induction of cellular disease patterns was evidenced in the weak Soviet microwave radiation of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow over several decades. [Figure 29]


Two U.S. ambassadors were killed, dying with leukemia-like diseases. A third ambassador sickened, was transferred, and later died of a leukemia-like disease. Hosts of health changes were generated in personnel, but only in those areas free from EM force fields (i.e., with zero gradients of the scalar potentials).


This provided a 100% correlation to the thesis that the persistent (i.e., gradient-free potentials) were the culprit. In turn, that directly shows application of energetics, vacuum engine templates, etc. - which sometimes the Soviets refer to as the information content of the field. We have adequately documented this weapons application of vacuum engines elsewhere.


We will now briefly point out the work of Becker and of Popp.


Other Important Work Utilizing the Energetics Mechanism

Becker’s Dedifferentiation and Redifferentiation of Living Cells

The "inner EM" or "hidden EM variables" explanation we have advanced for Priore’s work also dramatically expands upon Becker’s demonstrated DC potential restorative control system in biological organisms. In profound work, Becker proved conclusively that DC potentials with extremely weak currents (picoamperes) could indeed dedifferentiate (i.e., time-reverse) cells, genetics and all, back to a previous state.


He also proved that it can iteratively redifferentiate cells, i.e., change the cell along the forward-time track, to a new cellular development (differentiation) type, thereby providing the local type of cell needed by the specific type of tissue and injury.

Again see above Figure 26.
In his pioneering of electrical DC potential (and picoampere DC current) treatment of otherwise intractable bone fractures, Becker showed that rather astounding healing occurred. He then showed that the red blood cell first dedifferentiated (time-reversed) by shucking its hemoglobin and growing a nucleus.


Then that "new" cell redifferentiated (time-forwarded) into the type of cell that makes cartilage. Then that new type of cell redifferentiated into the type of cell that makes bone. Whereupon the latter cells were deposited in the fracture as new bone growth.

Becker was nominated for a Nobel prize for this epochal work. For his noble efforts, he was hounded, castigated, his funding dramatically curtailed, etc.

Popp’s Master Cellular Control System
The proposed vacuum engine explanation we have advanced of the Priore effect also dramatically extends Popp’s discovery of the coherent virtual photon involvement in the master cellular control system of the living body. Creating and using a vacuum engine (deliberate structuring of the virtual photon flux of the vacuum) is indeed the mechanism achieved by the Priore effect.


Weak vacuum engines are also achieved in the body, as part of Becker’s DC potential control system for the body’s restorative system, and Popp’s master cellular control system, once the Stoney, Whittaker, Ziolkowski (SWZ) internal biwave structuring of the scalar potential is incorporated.


Energetics Implications for Reversal of AIDS

Quick, Cheap, Highly Effective
The implications to AIDS, e.g., of directly "time-reversing" an HIV-infected cell and all its genetics, back to a previous normal state, is obvious.


The Priore cellular reversal therapeutic technique, if redeveloped and applied, could result in the total, quick, cheap cure of AIDS, including riddance of all HIV-infected cells, in possibly two or three treatments with very weak, non-ionizing radiation in special manner. We accent non-ionizing radiation by strong, rippling magnetic fields; no nuclear radiation or overt high frequency EM radiation need be involved.

The moment an individual tested HIV positive, the Priore type treatment could be performed. Every cell in the body would be affected. Normal cells would just get a little younger. HIV-infected cells would just be reversed back into normal cells, genetics and all.


Thus a total cure for the AIDS patient could be achieved without waiting for the slow destruction of the patient’s immune system and restorative system - which are followed by debilitation, intense suffering, and lingering death.


The Usual Progress of AIDS

The problem in AIDS infections is that, regardless of how one tries to "kill" the HIV-infected cells, not all of them are killed and a few escape.


Obviously, the few that escape were more resistant to the lethal agent than were those who were killed. As this is repeated, the treatment is repeatedly selecting the most resistant strains of the virus that are present.


Also, the unstable + virus itself continues to change and adapt.


The end result is:

  1. increasing numbers of strains of the virus actually infecting the body

  2. increasing resistance to the killing agent and the human immune system by those survivors

  3. the immune system is a finite system, and as it makes more and more antibodies and gets more and more of its own cells infected, it increasingly deteriorates and loses effectiveness

Eventually the disease "adapts" to its host’s weakened immune system weaponry and almost any other weaponry brought to bear to kill it.


Every HIV-infected cell is still an HIV-virus factory. As the viruses win the battle against the immune system and medical agents, these factories have more and more survivors, and the HIV infection grows apace.

With resistance achieved by the new strains of HIV viruses poured out into the bloodstream, the disease spreads until the standard symptoms and debilitation appear. Meanwhile, the immune system is steadily degraded, as is the body’s recovery or restorative system. Other infectious agents which could normally be countered by a healthy immune system, now begins to pose lethal threats.

In the advanced AIDS patient, death usually results from opportunistic infections that develop and thrive in the seriously weakened body with its depleted immune system and depleted restorative system, killing the patient.

At the present time, all conventional treatments can do naught but prolong the process. The eventual result is almost certain death.

Energetics Dramatically Eliminates the Viral Factories
With the Priore approach, at any stage in the AIDS disease progression, the HIV-factories (HIV-infected cells) would be simply time-reversed back into normal cells, genetics and all. This would totally remove all HIV virus and all HIV-factories (infected cells).


Thus the present great problem of AIDS - the inability of the body and present medical therapies to rid the body of all HIV-factories in the body early on - would be solved. As proven by the Priore group, the energetics would also restore the immune system to vigorous functioning, and it would revitalize the restorative system as well.

Instead of prolonging the life of the AIDS patient a bit, it would dramatically reverse the disease and cure the patient.

In other words, it would represent a total interruption and elimination of the entire AIDS-producing process in the infected patient. Nothing else presently proposed has such an awesome capability for AIDS disease reversal.


It’s also a completely different medical approach: Instead of killing the struggling cells that are infected - which after all is killing part of the immune system as well! - simply help the infected cells immediately change back into normal cells again, by highly amplifying the very mechanism by means of which the body’s cellular restorative system works anyway.

Becker et al. already rigorously proved in vivo that cells - genetics and all - can be time-reversed and time-forwarded by application of very weak EM. Priore rigorously proved that such can be applied to the whole body, to achieve remarkable and unparalleled remission of dread diseases.

AIDS was not known at the time of Priore’s major work, and therefore was not treated. However, the technical basis for the entire above discussion on the ability of energetics to cure AIDS, is already rigorously proven in the laboratory, and the results are published in leading French scientific journals.

The only barrier to the greatest medical breakthrough in history is the dogmatic minds of our present scientists and scientific administrators.


A Change of Scientific Viewpoint is Urgently Needed

Electrodynamics and Medical Science Are Dogmatic
It is our firm opinion that, if the conventional medical science and energy communities were less dogmatic and biased, these are the types of potential solutions they would be working on with alacrity, and developing at top speed.


The results in the preceding discussion have been rigorously proven by eminent scientists, in laboratory experiments. The technical basis we have extended from the work of Becker, Popp, Kaznacheyev, Stoney, Whittaker, and Ziolkowski is solidly founded.


That the results of these pioneering scientists are ignored and even suppressed is a glaring commentary on the extreme bias of our present medical science community.


It is also a sad commentary on the condition of our physics and electrodynamics communities, which adamantly refuse to overhaul electrodynamics and quantum mechanics, to incorporate Bohm-type hidden variable theory, particularly of the engineerable EM kind shown by Stoney and Whittaker, and also by Ziolkowski.

They are Also In Woeful Shape
Present electromagnetics, medical therapy, and electrical power technology are in woeful shape. Without further discussion, Figure 27 above, shows just how bad the classical electromagnetics problem is. The very foundations are seriously flawed.


The problem seems to this researcher to lie primarily with the "science controllers" - they who control and dispense the funding extracted from the taxpayers.


One Must Continually Review and Correct Foundations
Many famous scientists have previously commented on the absolute requirement to continually review and revise the foundations of our scientific models and theories, and on just how hard it is to displace the prevailing dogma in physics.


To show just how deeply Einstein felt about never totally accepting foundations as absolutes, here are his words:

"...the scientist makes use of a whole arsenal of concepts which he imbibed practically with his mother’s milk; and seldom if ever is he aware of the eternally problematic character of his concepts.


He uses this conceptual material, or, speaking more exactly, these conceptual tools of thought, as something obviously, immutably given; something having an objective value of truth which is hardly even, and in any case not seriously, to be doubted. the interests of science it is necessary over and over again to engage in the critique of these fundamental concepts, in order that we may not unconsciously be ruled by them."
[Einstein, "Foreword," in Max Jammer, Concepts of Space: The History of Theories of Space in Physics, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1969, p. xi-xii.]

Max Planck also was quite pessimistic, wryly pointing out that usually the orthodox scientists adamantly resist innovation until their deaths. As he stated:

"An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out, and that the growing generation is familiarized with the ideas from the beginning."
Max Planck, in G. Holton, Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1973.]


Why Scientists Do Not Work on Such Proven Novel Approaches
Many scientists and graduate students would be delighted to work on these potential enhanced electromagnetism solutions, if the "money controllers" would allow funding for such efforts. The dogma and biasing of the scientific community is achieved primarily by these "money and program controllers," many of whom (just as in other human fields) are interested primarily in personal power, prestige, turf, and control.


The working scientist must desperately struggle with intensive grant applications, along only acceptable lines, if he is to have funding and remain employed at all.

So conventional scientists are largely not permitted to work on problems such as AIDS and cancer and the energy crunch, along enhanced Stoney/Whittaker/Ziolkowski hidden variable electromagnetic lines.


Meanwhile millions of persons die needlessly every year, the meter stays on the gas pump for the automobiles, and the electric power meter stays on the house, factory, and city for electrical utilities.


And the wholesale pollution of the planet and our own bodies continues apace.


In Big Science administration it’s the old "Golden Rule"

"He who has the gold, rules!"

Planned Future Articles
In light of the iron dogma in science, all a single researcher can do - with no funding, laboratory, staff, or supplies, and with open hostility from the orthodox establishment - is just doggedly persevere in trying to solve the foundations problems in energy science, and communicate the solutions as widely as possible. In the future we shall endeavor to continue to do just that, along the lines indicated below.

How To Increase the Energy Collection Fraction
A future article will show methods and processes which will and do increase the amount of energy collection from the raging Poynting energy flow, and will and do use (dissipate) the excess collected in electrical systems to perform useful work. Working examples will be given; including the Letokhov-Lawandy effect (and the highly significant Lawandy patents and experiments), the Patterson effect (and patents), and the fiber fuse effect.

We will accent that the same energy flow can be retroreflected and additional energy recollected from it. Energy itself is always a flow, as opposed to energy collection.


Energy used once can be used yet again; the entire process can be iterated incessantly. A single joule of energy can do a million joules of work! We just have to collect that same joule of energy flow one million times. Already nature does it this way, scattering and reusing the same energy, over and over. It is high time that we learned and utilized nature’s own "iterative energy reuse" system. Energy is never used up, but simply reused again and again.

So we will accent iterated, multipass, multicollection from iteratively retroreflected Poynting energy flows.


We will also discuss the use of the quantum potential in order to directly amplify energy collection by automatically iterating a local energy template at multiple distant collection locations.

The Letokhov-Lawandy (Anti-Stokes) Effect and the Patterson Effect
The first two effects (Letokhov-Lawandy effect and Patterson effect) are both cases of what is referred to as the Anti-Stokes Effect.


In the Anti-Stokes effect, the medium outputs more energy than the stimulation contains that one introduces. Classically, the remainder of the output energy is assumed to come from molecular transactions, etc.

However, Lawandy with TiO2 particles and Patterson with palladium-clad microsphere capacitors have added:

  1. an array of Poynting generators to the normal fluid medium

  2. iterative retroreflection of the Poynting energy

  3. multipass, multiple collection of energy from the multipassed S-flows

These extensions to the anti-Stokes effect caused the present author to name the TiO2-type case the Letokhov-Lawandy effect, and to name the charged beads-type case the Patterson effect.


In each case, there has been highly significant augmentation of the basic anti-Stokes effect to warrant naming it as a new effect of its own.


In addition, either the Patterson case or the Lawandy case can also involve a quantum potential, which has not previously been even conceived of in conjunction with the anti-Stokes effect.

See Figure 30 and Figure 31.


The Letokhov-Lawandy effect and the Patterson effect recover their excess emission energy directly from the vacuum energy exchange. They utilize iteration of both retroreflection and collection.


Iterated, multiple collection of energy from the same Poynting flow occurs. In addition, an exponential positive feedback effect also occurs:

As the multipass, multicollection process increases the local (collected) energy density, in turn that increases the magnitude (energy density) of the local scalar potential, increasing the E-field accordingly. In turn, that increases the Poynting energy flow, which further increases the amount of energy collected in each pass of the S-flow over a collector particle (Lawandy) or bead (Patterson).

This positive feedback continues until stabilized at some level determined by the increasing rate of escape by multiple scattering actions from the perimeter of the collectors.

The Quantum Potential As A Direct Energy Amplifier
The Patterson device and the Lawandy device also can partially utilize a quantum potential, which power engineers presently know zilch about, and which most physicists know very little about.


The degree of susceptibility to initiating a quantum potential (QP) is a function of the phase conjugate reflection activity produced by each collector (particle or bead). Formation of a quantum potential adds a totally new dimension to the energy collection: Once the QP forms, each collector (bead or particle) has some fraction of participation in the overall quantum potential.


This means that the energy appearing at one station has a fraction of its energy simultaneously and instantly appear at every other participating station, and vice versa. The primary station does not "lose" any energy in this transaction, because now the local space is partially multiply-connected. In a multiply connected space, an object, field, or amount of energy can exist simultaneously in two different, widely separated, spatial locations (as seen by an external observer outside the system.)


In this case, to the external observer direct energy multiplication occurs, which violates any "energy propagation" model of energy transfer in a singly-connected space.

Nonetheless, overall conservation of energy is not violated when the vacuum interaction is included. One is simply replicating the same ordering (template) of the local vacuum, at multiple locations simultaneously. So the excess energy arises from the local vacuum at each station (as seen by the external observer). In the particular case, imperfections in the quantum potential process limit the amount of direct energy amplification, by limiting the degree to which a multiply connected space is achieved.


Also, as the multiple connections in space improve and energy amplification rises, the distortion and instability of the multiple space connections i.e., the degradation of what Wheeler called wormholes) increase exponentially.

This provides a maximum, finite stability level so that the QP stabilizes at a finite value, as does the energy amplification factor. Otherwise, there would be no limit whatsoever to the amount of energy that a quantum potential - e.g., as in Lawandy’s new form of lasing - would rapidly produce. In fact, if perfectly formed in a perfect, multiply connected space, a QP would immediately produce a self-inflated "false vacuum," and a great new "Big Bang", resulting in the creation of an entirely new universe, separate from this one.


Whether or not it would utterly destroy this particular universe is a matter of conjecture. Fortunately, we need not worry about creating a new "Big Bang"; the normal processes allow the formation of only a fractional QP, with rapid degradation and total clamping of the maximum energy level, for a particular QP-generating process.

We published the mechanism for making a quantum potential some time ago, obscurely in 1989 and later in a book, Gravitobiology, in 1991.


At any rate, the exposè of the use of multipass collection, negative absorption by the medium, iterative retroreflection of scattered energy, and the quantum potential as a method of enhancing energy collection in overunity devices is planned for future articles.

The Fiber Fuse Effect
See Figure 32 below. The fiber fuse problem is presently "unsolved" by conventional science (although Russell and his colleagues are very close). However, it always produces more energy out (by far!) than what one puts in to initiate it.


The extraordinary thing is that, even after the fiber fuse runs (at about a meter per second) the length of a fiber optics cable and "destroys" it (even for many, many kilometers), the physical damage - holes blown in the core about every centimeter or so - can often be reversed by simply reversing the laser light direction down the cable and re-initiating the fiber fuse from the other end.


The series of holes about every centimeter of so, down the entire cable, will then often be refilled again with material, sufficiently to restore a functional cable!

The Letokhov-Lawandy effect [Figure 30 far above] and the fiber fuse [Figure 32 above] are readily demonstrable by any university lab (sophomore level).


Patterson is proceeding toward commercialization of his independently validated overunity approach. Presently Lawandy seems focused on lasing; it remains to be seen whether or not he will recognize the electrical power system implications of the effect.


I suspect that he will or has already, and that we will see Lawandy overunity systems in our power future.



Other Surprises

In the future we will also acquaint the reader with a host of other overunity or potential overunity effects, devices, and principles.


We will cover, e.g.,

  1. the Wiegand effect

  2. the Johnson multivalued potential gate effect

  3. the Radus effect

  4. multi-kilowatt, parametric oscillating, self-powering overunity generators produced in Russia in the late 1930s and extensively published in the pre-war scientific literature, both in Russia and in France

  5. Stanford's and General Electric's development of true negative resistors (self-powering) in the late 1930s, under our greatest electrical scientist, Gabriel Kron

  6. Westinghouse's loss or abandonment of two major overunity processes, even after hardware was produced

  7. multi-looped feedback, open systems that accomplish S-flow iteration and multi-collection

  8. the use of the "missing half" of the EM energy that is in our circuits as a highly damped but equal energy flow down in the atomic nuclei

  9. the Sweet vacuum triode amplifier

  10. magnetic flux path switching

  11. the unsuspected violent energy flows produced by the human body

  12. the energetics energy flow of the Earth

  13. linkage of human body energy flow into the overall energy flow of the Earth

  14. the surprising and previously unsuspected direction emerging for future development of education, health, medicine, and engineering



Summary and Conclusion

In one sense the summarized work over the last few years has been enormously productive, at least in increased insight into electrical power and medical therapy possibilities.


As Figure 33 above clearly shows, asymmetrical regauging - which the electrodynamicists themselves admit is free for the taking - will generate excess force, excess energy, and positive work.


On the other hand it has been most frustrating to have to work without funding, and to have to watch helplessly as,

  1. so many millions continue to die needlessly of dread diseases such as cancer and AIDS

  2. the energy-connected pollution of the planet and rape of our pocketbooks continues apace

The funds spent by the U.S. Government in a single week on cancer, AIDS, and energy would re-establish the entire Priore approach, as well as develop a plethora of practical overunity systems, were those funds focused on the extended hidden variable electromagnetics approach that is represented by energetics.


Figure 34 above graphically characterizes the real problem: As a nation, we still have our collective scientific and medical and governmental heads in the sand, like the proverbial ostrich.


The ostrichlike attitude, "Pretend we don’t see it, and maybe it will go away!" can no longer be justified.

Nonetheless we continue to make slow progress. As new developments occur, they will be shared openly with the reader here in Explore!, over the InterNet as in The Virtual Times (, in books, in journal articles, and in other publications.


This concludes this four part series.




Notes and References

  1. T.E. Bearden, "Maxwell's equations, regauging, and overunity systems," Explore More!, No. 17, Jul.-Aug. 1996, p. 13-21; ____ "The Master Principle of EM Overunity and the Japanese Overunity Engines," Infinite Energy, 1(5&6), Nov. 1995-Feb. 1996, p. 38-55;____"Regauging and Multivalued Magnetic Scalar Potential: Master Overunity Mechanisms." Explore!, 7(1), 1996, p. 51-58; ____ "The Master Principle of Overunity and the Japanese Overunity Engines: A New Pearl Harbor?", The Virtual Times, Internet Node WWW.HSV.COM, January 1996;____"The Final Secret of Free Energy," Association of Distinguished American Scientists, POB 1472, Huntsville, Alabama 35807, Proceedings of the International Forum on New Science, Fort Collins Colorado, September 1992, also distributed over the Internet; ____ "Free Energy: The Final Secret," Explore!, 4 (3/4), 1993, p. 112-126; ____ "Overunity Electrical Devices and Free Energy," Explore!, 5(1), 1994, p. 74-82; ____ "Overunity Electrical Power," address presented to the 2nd International New Energy Symposium, Denver, Colorado, May 15, 1994; ____ "Overunity Electrical Power," address presented to the 2nd International New Energy Symposium, Denver, Colorado, May 15, 1994; "Use of Asymmetrical Regauging and Multivalued Potentials to Achieve Overunity Electromagnetic Engines," Journal of New Energy, 1(2), Summer 1996, p. 60-78.

  2. T.E. Bearden, "Vacuum Engines and Priore's Methodology: The True Science of Energy-Medicine, Parts I and II," Explore!, 6(1), 1995, p. 66-76; 6(2), 1995, p. 50-62; ____ "Mechanism for Long-Term Cumulative Biological Effects of EM Radiation," presented to the 70th Annual Meeting of the Alabama Academy of Science, University of Alabama at Huntsville, March 25, 1993; ____ Cancer and the Unresolved Health Issues in the Biological Effects of EM Fields and Radiation, Tesla Book Company, POB 121873, Chula Vista, CA 91912, 1993.

  3. Bearden, Explore!, 6(1), 1995, p. 66-76; 6(2), 1995, p. 50-62.

  4. Bearden, Explore!, ibid., Part II.

  5. As one example, a given Priore radiation of a rat with a particular type of grafted terminal tumor would cure that rat. Another rat with the same type of graft could then be cured, merely by injecting the second rat with a single drop of blood from the first rat. Needless to say, orthodox cancer therapists were horrified -- and vehemently opposed this work because they themselves could produce nothing even remotely resembling the Priore effectiveness, nor could they understand how Priore did it. Strangely, a French Government report by physicists who closely examined the work in detail, and reported very positive findings, remains classified to this day by the French Government. One may speculate that the report may have recognized the internal structuring of the scalar potential (i.e., vacuum engines) created by Priore. If so, such recognition would only be accomplished and remain classified if the French government were already involved in classified work in that technical area, directed toward weapons.

  6. Two good references on the functioning of pumped phase conjugate mirrors are: (1) Amnon Yariv, Optical Electronics, 3rd Edn., Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1985, Chapter 16: "Phase Conjugate Optics -- Theory and Applications,"; and (2) David M. Pepper, "Nonlinear Optical Phase Conjugation," Optical Engineering, 21(2), March/April 1982, p. 156-183.

  7. Wheeler's principle deals with the mutual interaction between the violent flux of vacuum/spacetime and matter, and is stated in W. Misner, K.S. Thorne, and J.A. Wheeler, Gravitation, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 1973, p. 5 as: "Space acts on matter, telling it how to move. In turn, matter reacts back on space, telling it how to curve." Since matter is just locally collected (trapped) energy (by Einstein's E=mc2), we may retranslate Wheeler's principle as: "Space acts on trapped energy, telling it how to move. In turn, trapped energy reacts back on space, telling it how to curve." The present author has extended Wheeler's principle and added it to electrodynamics to form a powerful corollary. This corollary constitutes the Principle of Vacuum Engines (or the Principle of Vacuum Engineering), as follows: "Nested spacetime curvatures tell electromagnetic energy how to internally structure, be trapped, and change; and internal electromagnetic energy structuring, trapping, and dynamics tell local spacetime how to internally nest multiple curvatures to form local vacuum engines. By this principle, it can be seen that Priore -- in creating and manipulating nested EM energy structuring, was forming local vacuum engines. His method utilized the "template" vacuum engine of the disease's deviation from normal, as the "signal input" to the cell-and-its-parts-as PCMs. Priore's nested, structured biwaves impinging upon these PCMs constituted pump waves, in the nonlinear optical sense. Thus an amplified antiengine was formed in the cell and in every part of it, precisely against the specific disease's vacuum engine template. The result was the rapid time-reversal of the PCMs (the cell and all its parts), dedifferentiating the affected cell and all its parts back to the previous normal condition.

  8. Priore actually finished his doctoral course work and thesis, and submitted the thesis. The Cancer Cartel brought such pressure on the university that its review committee did not dare accept the thesis. The actual thesis is presently in the personal files of the present author.

  9. F.-A. Popp et al., "Physical aspects of biophotons," Experientia, Vol. 44, 1988, p. 576-585. See also Fritz A. Popp, Biologie des Lichts: Grundlagen der ultraschwachen Zellstrahlung. Paul Parey, Berlin, 1984. See particularly Fritz Albert Popp, "Photon Storage in Biological Systems," in Fritz Albert Popp et al, eds., Electromagnetic Bio-Information: Proceedings of the Symposium, Marburg, Federal Republic of Germany, Sep. 5, 1977; Urban & Schwarzenberg, Baltimore, 1979, p. 123-149. See Fritz Albert Popp; Ke-hsueh Li, and Qiao Gu, [eds.], Recent Advances in Biophoton Research and its Applications, World Scientific Publishing Co., New York, NY, 1992, [23 papers by 24 authors from outside the U.S. Editors' affiliation: International Institute of Biophysics, Kaiserslautern, Germany.]

  10. Vlail Kaznacheyev and L.P. Mikhailova. (1981) Ultraweak Radiation in Intercellular Interactions, [in Russian], Novosibirsk, 1981 [an English exposition of much of the Kaznacheyev work is given in Vlail Kaznacheyev, "Electromagnetic Bioinformation in Intercellular Interactions," Psi Research, 1(1), Mar. 1982, p. 47-76.] See Vlail Kaznacheyev et al., "Distant intercellular interactions in a system of two tissue cultures," Psychoenergetic Systems, 1(3), Mar. 1976, p. 141-142; "A Comment" by William A. McGarey, p. 143; "A Comment" by Arthur C. Hastings, p. 143-144. See also _____ "Apparent information transfer between two groups of cells," Psychoenergetic Systems, 1(1), Dec. 1974,

  11. See T.E. Bearden, AIDS: Biological Warfare, Tesla Book Company, 1988, passim; _____ Gravitobiology, ibid., 1991, passim; _____ "Vacuum Engines and Priore's Methodology: The True Science of Energy-Medicine. Parts I and II." Explore!, 6(1), 1995, p. 66-76; 6(2), 1995, p. 50-62.

  12. Based on Stoney's and Whittaker's work. Oddly, Whittaker's 1904 paper showing that all classical EM fields and waves could be replaced by two scalar potentials was partially utilized in physics, and initiated what is now called superpotential theory. Reference to superpotentials is in Springer's Encyclopedia of Physics, passim. Two authors (Melba Phillips in Vol. 4 and H. Bremmer in Vol. 16) describe the Whittaker Potentials as a "special case" of scalar superpotentials, which are related to the "Debye Potentials" and the "Bromwich Potentials." Both articles refer to papers by Nisbet, McCrea, Casimir, etc. Dirac also worked in superpotential theory. Strangely, even though Whittaker's 1904 paper is credited today with initiating superpotential theory, Whittaker's 1903 paper showing the hidden EM variable (wave) decomposition of the scalar potential has been largely ignored, even though the two Whittaker papers taken together lay the basis for all of Soviet energetics and an engineerable hidden variable theory. However, exceptions to the general disregard for the Stoney/Whittaker biwave decomposition of scalar potentials are provided in papers published by a few scientists such as Ziolkowski, Cornille, and Barrett.

  13. Robert O. Becker; Charles H. Bachman, and Howard Friedman, "The direct current system: A link between the environment and the organism," New York State Journal of Medicine, Vol. 62, April 15, 1962, p. 1169-1176; R.O. Becker, "The direct current field: A primitive control and communication system related to growth processes," Proceedings of the. XVI International. Congress of Zoology, Washington, D.C., Vol. 3, 1963, p. 179-183. Becker has stated in effect that the restorative or reparative system in the living animal is electromagnetic in nature, but of a peculiar kind involving dc currents (and therefore dc potentials). He notes that it functions, however, as an analog command and control system. He points out that it corresponds to the entire organism, and calls for further study and experimentation.
    The present author has extended Becker's epochal work to incorporate the hidden variable biwave structuring of the scalar potential, and the fact that not just signal theory but vacuum engines are involved. The concepts of classical EM are insufficient to describe this system properly, because it uses the internal Stoney, Whittaker, Ziolkowski structuring. Instead of an EM "signal," the control systems sends a vacuum engine to the cell. That vacuum engine is a structuring of the local vacuum flux. The vacuum engine is a Maxwellian demon and it performs work upon the cell and all its parts, including its genetics. Hence its ability to dedifferentiate and redifferentiate cells, including their entire genetics.

  14. An excellent discussion of this work, for the layperson, is given in Robert Becker and Gary Selden, The Body Electric, William Morrow and Company, New York, 1985.

  15. This bone-healing application of the amplification and augmentation of the body's restorative system is approved by the Federal Drug Administration, and utilized in treatment of otherwise intractable bone fractures.

  16. F.-A. Popp et al., "Physical aspects of biophotons," Experientia, Vol. 44, 1988, p. 576-585; _____ "Photon Storage in Biological Systems," in Fritz Albert Popp et al, eds., Electromagnetic Bio-Information: Proceedings of the Symposium, Marburg, Federal Republic of Germany, Sep. 5, 1977; Urban & Schwarzenberg, Baltimore, 1979, p. 123-149. Popp approaches the results of the "internal EM hidden variables" quantum mechanically, using the standard Bohr QM instead of Bohm's more fitting hidden variable theory of QM.

  17. Actually Becker's DC restorative control system and Popp's cellular control system are one-and-the-same in the living body. Becker approached the problem in terms of a classical electromagnetics model; Popp approached it in terms of quantum mechanics and a quantum electrodynamics model.

  18. Stoney and Whittaker advanced the sum set of the hidden bidirectional EM waves that comprise the scalar potential. Ziolkowski added the product set. Here's a master identity statement for the deep thinker, one that has previously escaped scientific notice: Scalar potential not spacetime geometry virtual state presence of energy collection. Also, internal structuring of one of those terms is identical to internal structuring of each of the others. Internal dynamics of one is identical to internal dynamics of each of the others. So if you can internally engineer and structure one of them, then you can (given sufficient technological development) internally engineer and structure any of them. Further, all observables are composed of ensembles (structures) of the internal elements of one/all of these. Hence one can engineer the entire observable state -- so-called macroreality itself, including the vaunted "laws of physics" -- if one can engineer any one of the elements of the master identity. The importance of the Stoney, Whittaker, and Ziolkowski work is that, taken together, they show precisely how to engineer that entire master identity electromagnetically. Mind and mind/matter interactions can also be included in this engineering model, but that is another story for another treatise.

  19. Priore's last machine was a very large, 4-story affair capable of providing whole-body rippling magnetic field exposure to the entire human body. That device was designed to heal terminal illnesses such as cancer in two 5-minute exposures, to a very strong and rippling magnetic field containing the inserted Stoney/Whittaker/Ziolkowski biwave structure, where the exposures are one week apart.

  20. There appears to be no valid reason why such procedure could not be utilized for rather total rejuvenation of cells in the body, thereby reversing the effects of aging, or most of them. The Priore therapy was rigorously demonstrated to clear clogged arteries, restore suppressed immune systems, cure terminal tumors, cure terrible and advanced trypanosomias, etc.

  21. Indeed, in case of HIV infection, from the very outset of the infection the body's immune system makes a Herculean effort, literally killing almost all the hostile viruses and infected white cells. This effort continues without letup, so the body operates "normally" to all external appearances, for an extended period. However, gradually the repeatedly selected, more resistant viruses and infected cells survive, more and more. Slowly the body loses its titanic struggle, and the immune system -- which is finite and is also being progressively degraded by the virus, gradually loses the battle. For a vivid description see E. Pennisi and K.A. Fackelmann, "HIV toll: Over a billion white cells a day," Science News, 147(2), Jan. 14, 1995, p. 21. See the Jan. 12, 1995 Nature, for the report by the two study teams who uncovered the fact that the virus is not dormant initially, and an editorial by Simon Wain-Hobson of the Pasteur Institute in Paris. The studies show that HIV actually replicates furiously, inducing a titanic struggle between the virus and the immune system, from the very outset -- a struggle that the slowly degrading immune system eventually loses.

  22. There are a very small number of patients, however, whose strain of AIDS seems to lie dormant. They have the virus, but somehow the terminal debilitation phase does not occur.

  23. Present quantum mechanics is already known to be wrong because it does not possess just such hidden order; for an excellent lay discussion of the missing chaos problem, see Robert Pool, "Quantum Chaos: Enigma Wrapped in a Mystery," Science, 243(4893), Feb. 17, 1989, p. 893-895. For a more technical discussion, see P.V. Elyutin, "The quantum chaos problem," Sov. Phys. Usp., 31(7), July 1988, p. 597-622. Presently QM is based on random variable theory, taken directly from Gibbs' original thermodynamics statistics. So it excludes the organized macroscopic world we live in, because its "random variables" when integrated to the macro level yield only further randomness. In other words, random ordering of variables have a "signal to noise" ratio of zero. Hidden ordering of variables, on the other hand, will have a signal to noise ratio greater than zero (STN>0.0). If STN>0.0, coherent integration will steadily increase the signal faster than the increase of the noise. Coherent integration will eventually yield the familiar macro universe that we observe.
    If one believes in a correspondence principle as covering the boundary layer between observable and virtual, or between quantal and subquantal, then one can jolly well apply the principle in either direction. This means that the macrolevel can be used as a set of boundary conditions or a forcing function upon the subquantal level. In other words, one can insist on partial subquantal ordering, a priori, because of the observed macro-ordering. It is inexplicable that most quantum physicists, in still vigorously objecting to hidden variables, are in fact defending the prediction that they themselves do not exist.
    Classical electrodynamics is so riddled with errors and omissions that it must be completely redone. As stated succinctly by Bunge, " is not usually acknowledged that electrodynamics, both classical and quantal, are in a sad state." (Mario Bunge, Foundations of Physics, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1967, p. 176. Bunge adds: p. 182: "...the best modern physicist is the one who acknowledges that neither classical nor quantum physics are cut and dried, both being full of holes and in need of a vigorous overhauling not only to better cover their own domains but also to join smoothly so as to produce a coherent picture of the various levels of physical reality."

  24. Nabil M. Lawandy, "Optical Gain Medium Having Doped Nanocrystals of Semiconductors and Also Optical Scatterers," U.S. Patent No. 5,434,878, July 18, 1995; ____ "Second Harmonic Generation and Self Frequency Doubling Laser Materials Comprised of Bulk Germanosilicate and Aluminosilicate Glasses," U.S. Patent No. 5,157,674, Oct. 20, 1992; ____ "Optical Gain Medium Having Doped Nanocrystals of Semiconductors and Also Optical Scatterers," U.S. Patent No. 5,233,621, Aug. 3, 1993; ____ "Optically Encoded Phase Matched Second harmonic Generation Device and Self Frequency Doubling Laser Material Using Semiconductor Microcrystallite Doped Glasses," U.S. Patent No. 5,253,258, Oct. 12, 1993; ____ "Optical Sources Having a Strongly Scattering Gain Medium Providing Laser-like Action," U.S. Patent application No. 08/210,710, filed Mar. 19, 1994. See also Nabil M. Lawandy, R.M. Balachandran, A.S.L. Gomes and E. Sauvain, "Laser action in strongly scattering media," Nature, Letters, 368(6470), Mar. 31, 1994, p. 436-438.

  25. James Patterson, "System for Electrolysis of Liquid Electrolyte," U.S. Patent No. 5,372,688, Dec. 13, 1994; ____ "Method for Electrolysis of Water to Form Metal Hydride." U.S. Patent No. 5,318,675, June 7, 1994; ____ "Metal Plated Microsphere Catalyst," U.S. Patent No. 5,036,031, July 30, 1991; ____ "Improved Process for Producing Uniformly Plated Microspheres," U.S. Patent No. 4,943,355, July 24, 1990; ____ ; James Patterson, U.S. Patent No. 3,577,324, May 1971; James Patterson et al, U.S. Patent No. 3,632,496, Jan. 1972. See also Barbara Goss Levi, "Light travels more slowly through strongly scattering materials," Physics Today, June 1991, p. 17-19. Light total transit time through the materials is increased, but between reflections it travels at c. The Poynting energy flow, however, endures longer in these materials, and so the electron reaction time (i.e., energy collection time) is increased. The Shoulders cluster overunity patent may also utilize this enhanced energy collection via increased transit time due to iterative retroreflections of the Poynting energy flow, and also may utilize a weak quantum potential effect.

  26. E.g., see D.D. Davis and S.C. Mettler, "Experimental investigation of the fiber fuse," Summaries of Papers Presented at the Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, Vol. 8 1995 Technical Digest Series, Postconference Edition, 1995, p. 187-188; D.P. Hand and P. St. J. Russell, "Solitary thermal shock-waves and optical damage in optical fibers," IEE Colloquium on 'Non-Linear Optical Waveguides', IEE Digest No. 88, London, England, 1988, p. 101-3; ____ "Soliton-like thermal shock-waves in optical fibres: origin of periodic damage tracks," Fourteenth European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 1988), Sep. 11-15, 1988, Publication No. 292, 1(2), 1988, p. 111-114; ____ "Solitary thermal shock waves and optical damage in optical fibers: the fiber fuse," Optics Letters, 13(9), Sept. 1988, p. 767-769; P. St. J. Russell and D.P. Hand; "Solitary thermal shock waves and optical damage in optical fibers: the fiber fuse," Optics Letters, 13(9), Sept. 1988, p. 767-769; D.P. Hand and T.A. Birks, "Single-mode tapers as 'fibre fuse' damage circuit-breakers," Electronics Letters, 25(1), Jan. 5, 1989, p. 33-34. For a very good lay description with photographs, see Ivars Peterson, "Fibers With Flare," Science News, 140(13), Sept. 28, 1991, p. 200-201.

  27. Excess emission from a medium has been known for a long time, but not much has been done with it until the work of Letokhov and the work and inventions of Lawandy. E.g., we quote from H.C. Dake and Jack DeMent. (1941) Fluorescent Light and Its Applications, Chemical Publishing Company, Inc., Brooklyn, New York, 1941. p. 51-52: "When a phosphor or other luminescent substance emits light, it gives in most cases an emission according to Stokes' Law. This law states that the wavelength of the fluorescent (emitted) light is always greater than the wavelength of the exciting radiation. It was first observed in 1852 in the memoir "On the Change of Refrangibility of Light," by Sir G.G. Stokes. In terms of energy the relationship states that e em < e ab. While Stokes' Law holds for the majority of cases, it does not hold in certain instances. In some cases the wave length is the same for both the absorbed and the emitted radiation. That is, the efficiency appears to be perfect or unity. This is known as resonance radiation. In other cases Stokes' Law does not hold where the energy emitted is greater than the energy absorbed. This is known as Anti-Stokes emission. In 1935 Prileshajewa showed that there is an energy difference as much as 1.1 v between the exciting light and the fluorescence of aniline vapor. This added energy is attributed to additions from the internal energy of the molecule."
    However, when the active medium produces excess energy emission, and continues to do so, then the added energy cannot be attributed to additions from the internal energy of the molecule, unless the internal energy of the molecule is itself continually being replaced from -- you guessed it -- the vacuum's fierce interaction with the molecule's charges. Further, the dynamic dipoles comprising the molecule or the particle/liquid boundary, can produce double-surface E-fields of large magnitude, as is well-known in electrochemistry. Multipass retroreflection between TiO2 particles (Lawandy) or between palladium-clad, charged beads (Patterson) can collect and disperse (as scattered coherent photons) additional energy from the powerful S-flows of the double-surface Poynting generators.
    It follows that, by "doctoring" anti-Stokes radiation situations so as to allow multipass retroreflection and thus multicollection, a permissible overunity process emerges that is practical. It is also one which can be developed into commercial overunity and even self-energizing power sources.

  28. See David J. Bohm, "A Suggested Interpretation of the Quantum Theory in Terms of 'Hidden' Variables, I and II," Physical Review, 85(2), Jan. 15, 1952, p. 166-179 (Part I); 189-193 (Part II); ___ "Hidden Variables and the Implicate Order," Quantum Implications: Essays in Honour of David Bohm, Eds. B.J. Hiley and F. David Peat, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, p. 33. See also D.J. Bohm and B.J. Hiley, "On the Intuitive Understanding of Nonlocality as Implied by Quantum Theory," Foundations of Physics, 5(1), March 1975, p. 93-109; ____ "The de Broglie Pilot Wave Theory and the Further Development of New Insights Arising Out of It," Foundations of Physics, 12(10), 1982, p. 1001-1016; ___ "Unbroken Quantum Realism, from Microscopic to Macroscopic Levels," Physical Review Letters, Vol. 55, 1985, p. 2511-2514. See particularly B.J. Hiley and F. David Peat, Eds., Quantum Implications: Essays in Honour of David Bohm, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1987, reprinted in 1988.

  29. For simplicity I have referred to this "excess radiation by the medium" as the Letokhov-Lawandy Effect. However, it is an application of anti-Stokes emission, as we noted earlier. Lawandy is not the original discoverer of anti-Stokes emission, and there is a background of work in the area preceding Lawandy's own important new research and patents. E.g., see V.S. Letokhov, "Generation of light by a scattering medium with negative resonance absorption," Soviet Physics JETP, 26(4), Apr. 1968, p. 835-839. What Lawandy has done, of course, is to provide a rather brilliant and practical extension and development, building on the basic anti-Stokes effect, and adding a highly effective means of initiating multipass energy collection, which yields permissible overunity. We particularly stress that Letokhov's term, "negative absorption" (which has been adopted in the field) is just a euphemism for "excess emission." Translate this to "negative energy absorption" and then to "excess energy emission," and one can see why one might prefer to use the term "negative absorption" when filing a patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, rather than directly filing on the true overunity process one has developed!




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