Here is the Feb 2022 update on the Theraphi treatment of autistic twins- which started in 2020 – see below- thanks to Donna
..(the below is from 2020)
The key with using Theraphi plasma with kids and autism seems to be getting them relaxed and open (even playful)..
Claire in the (earlier) film below.. says the kids come to regard the plasma tubes like the glow of a flower.
Kids will tell you how much they want.. it will accelerate metabolism (and mentation.. speed of thought ) a bit.
Note below how that can be quite helpful with kids- who are semi autistic and not often verbal. (Aug 2020)
Report from Theraphi Florida:
Greetings Dan and Paul
- Frank is in his mid forties, drives 4 hours every Monday with 3-4 other people to experience theraphi. Each of them have different concerns. Franks concern was severe pain in his heart and assured me there was nothing wrong with his heart but he was afraid! I think Frank experienced an ancestral out of body experience prior to ever being in Theraphi. He had a vision of someone from above having a huge needle in their hand and implanted a device in his heart! He was very adamant about his story. His first session was 3-6-9 with 5 rest in between. When Frank came through the door he was beaming! His first words to me were “ it’s gone, the pain in my heart is gone! He said he prayed for healing and became totally relaxed. He said he came to a “still point” after a few minutes and the pain instantly left. Each week he has a beautiful session with very vivid dreams. Sometimes I am in there with him but in another life!
- We have been treating autistic twin boys that are 4 years old. Their drive round trip is 3 1/2 hours for treatments. Upon meeting the boys they were basically non verbal but spoke one word sentences. We were unsure how to respond with them so we let the parents take the lead after we did the magic trick with the fluorescent tube. We turned the plasma on but the boys were in and out. We thought possibly they may have received a total of 3 minutes. The mom told me the next day the boys seemed calmer, but one of them threw up for several hours. The next 4 sessions became easier somewhat as they became acquainted with us and we bribed them with toys and candy! Jaxon started the 3rd session where he would stay in the Theraphi room longer at a time. Jaden would leave when the plasma came on. On the 4th treatment Jaxon received a 12 minute treatment! The mom stayed on the bed with hem. The 5th treatment Jaxon went in the Theraphi room and laid on the bed the entire session. We were amazed! The next day the mother called and Jaxon was speaking in full sentences and engaging with other children! Remarkable! The other twin Jaden has not responded as well, but follows his brother around! The therapist and family friends are elated and can’t believe what they are seeing and hearing! Of course the parents are in bliss! This technology is amazing! Thank you Dan & Paul.
We also thank victor for sharing this update
also new 2022:
Below we reprint the Theraphi newsletter and film in which Claire Janisch also describes her work with Theraphi and kids and autism.
“This film is with Claire Janisch reporting in detail on extensive Theraphi treatment sessions in South Africa. Theraphi South Africa web site from Claire is
Covered in this video
- Theraphi plasma session results for pain – even long term chronic pain
- Theraphi plasma session results for -back pain, hip pain and arthritis
- Theraphi plasma session results – for infection / swelling
- Theraphi plasma sessions for children
- Theraphi plasma session results for anxiety and autism like symptoms
- Theraphi plasma sessions for sports- and strength and stamina
- Theraphi plasma sessions for ADDICTION
- Theraphi for WATER TREATMENT
- Theraphi plasma for seed and plant growth acceleration” end excerpt