Gratitude, Empathy & Compassion:The PLASMA Science- Dan Winter ( ) interviewed by Shelley Evans – 64 min. HD . Shelley – a Theraphi practitioner- works with – who also now became a Theraphi centre.
Links from the presentation: (all our biofeedback apps: )
My lifetime of work on heart coherence and the measurement of emotional coherence: alphabet harmonics alphabet symmetries animations
Grail animations Shaman steers tornado: physics/imagery
lecture here- with Shelley’s edit:
This lecture is a followup in the conference series- earlier university lecture:
Our Scientific, Spiritual World-replied- ‘Big Thanks as always for bringing such incredible knowledge to the world! Just curious Dan, do you agree with Frank Chester in the sense that the heart is actually bringing the blood to a quick stop, sort of like agovernor for the bodies blood so it doesn’t get overloaded? This confused me for the longest time, but I do believe that is what is happening, then just like you say, the heart “throws” out that electromagnetic / plasmic pulse, right after the blood was channeled through the heart’s vortexes, being forced into a stopping / implosion point on each cycle.’
REPLY Dan Winter ‘it has long been known that only perfect electrical relaxation in the still points between ekg beats allows the (fractal) echoes of the universe to enter your heart- so yes the essential perfected relaxation shows up in the still point- I taught heart math also how to measure this when would grab digital samples of just the flat still point between 1 heart beat ekg and spectrum analyze that still point space up to 100 kHz -where the fractal echoes of harmonic inclusiveness (the mind of god) would also emerge during bliss’
Note how the Theraphi Iive blood cell study showed the success with declumping/de roulette blood strength improvement correlate with those who WERE able to relax completely…