HOW Grounding Heals (Inflammation..and more):Fractal Charge Implosion Explains New Research:

from Dan Winter: “Phase Lock to EMBEDability” – HOW Grounding Heals (Inflammation..and more):Fractal Charge Implosion Explains New Research:  – I recently overcame almost a month of fever and infection ( covid- almost certainly,  happily for months now I am great again). In particular the infection attacked my throat – my usual weakness (too many lecture tours?). When…

Maira’s Report: Theraphi & Clairvoyance, Lucid Dreaming.. Synchronicities.. Birds.. Healed Building..

Prolog from Dan- we have extensive science understanding how phase conjugate embedding in plasma coheres longitudinal emf– mechanism of lucid dreaming, and clairvoyance.. and rejuvenation .. (centripetal negentropy) even of living space. Update below – new research study shows- lucid dream trigger frequencies (implosive collapse optimized?) rather closely fit Dan Winter negentropy equation AND the frequencies…

New Theraphi “Energetique” Center, Dion Valmont, Belgium- Dr Jean Claude Vinois

New Theraphi “Energetique”, Dion Valmont, Belgium- Dr Jean Claude Vinois THERAPHI « THÉRAPIE DU FUTUR »  (translation below) Restaurer le meilleur état naturel du vivant, par un champ Bioactif L’auteur du célèbre livre “Qu’est ce que la vie”, Erwin Schrödinger (l’un des pères de la physique quantique), énergie stockée, cohérence, cycles couplés, et thermodynamique…

EFFECT OF THERAPHI’s PLASMA ENERGY ON HUMAN DNA, Glen Rein PhD Presents results at Annual Theraphi Conference

THE EFFECT OF THERAPHI’s PLASMA ENERGY ON HUMAN DNA Glen Rein, PhD, Quantum-Biology Research Lab, Orange County, CA  – thanks also to Roger Green –  and Paul Harris will present results at our 3rd annual Theraphi International Conference in Sept.   (we apologize it is sold out- film coming) —   Abstract: Understanding how the bio-active…